Jackson was very smart for only being 5 months, he can almost fully walk, or eat by himself. Its just that he doesn't wanna talk unlike his father.Tony was sat in the lab one day while (Y/N) was out, Jackson has in his little playpen with his toys. Tony was humming to Mötley Crüe's 'Kickstart My Heart' when he heard loud mumbles behind him. He ignored it till he heard "You weady gwrls?!" Making him turn to see Jackson bouncing in place trying to song along!
Mary refused to even try to talk, she was almost a year and 3 months! When she wanted something she would usually throw something and grab your leg.Steve and (Y/N) were arguing over what her first words would be, Steve said either daddy or mommy, where (Y/N) joked saying American or Freedom. Mary sat in front of then playing while they talked, nighter of them noticed Bucky walk in till they all heard. "BUCK BUCK!"
Marry got up and ran towards Bucky hugging his legs and looking up at him blushing and smiling shyly. Everyone stood/sat there amazed and shocked that her first word(s) were Buck Buck.
Taylor was an odd case when it came to talking. It was her last day of kindergarten, yet she had never said a word, everyone just assumed she was mute till one night when Clint was away and Skyping (Y/N) and Taylor.She saw a large bird outside the widow by them and stared at it while her parents talked. "Tweet Tweet." Taylor mumbled for them to hear and curled up in (Y/n)'s lap pointing to the bird shocking them both. "WE HAVE A MINI CLINT!" (Y/n) shouted and hugged Taylor close kissing all over her head and face.
Preston was the exact opposite of Bruce. He was loud and outgoing, so when he screamed his first word, no one was surprised, they were surprised cause of what he said.Preston and Mary, Steve's daughter, were playing in the living room while the avengers sat around on an off day watching when Preston heard Tony talking to someone on the phone. "Titties!" Preston shouted repeating what Tony had said on the phone.
Everyone froze as the two kids giggled, Mary soon followed after and they both were yelling Titties at each other. Tony wasn't aloud around Preston or Mary for two weeks.
(Y/N) was making lunch for Makayla while Bucky was cleaning up her toys in the living room. "Carrots or corn sweetie?" (Y/N) asked in a baby voice to Makayla hoping she would talk."ICE CREAM!" she shouted in (Y/N)'s ears making her drop a cup and Bucky run in the room surprised. Bucky started from (Y/N) to Makayla and back then stopped when his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell to the floor from shock. (Y/N) ran to grab the phone as Makayla stared down at her dad.
"...Ice cream?" She mumbled chewing on her hand.
Kathrine could run before she could walk or talk, sometimes she would run around the tower with her father min a race. One day, like many others, they were running around when Pietro tripped on a chair leg and flipped over hitting the wall. Kathrine stopped and fell to floor laughing.Her father was pouting and playfully glaring at her. "Oppies!" She said and giggled more. Her fathers face turned from pouting to shock then happiness before he ran and grabbed her holding her close and kissing her face. "My baby girl is all grown up!!!! But no boys yet. Or ever!"
(Im sleepy so im just gonna write the words, ill re-do it soon maybe sorry)
"Barbie man!"
To Thor lolThor;
"I wike da stars too daddy"

Avengers Preferences And Imagines
FanfictionIncludes; Tony Stark Steve Rogers Clint Barton Bruce Banner Bucky Barnes Pietro Maximoff Wanda Maximoff Natasha Romanoff Thor Odinson Loki Laufeyson Please comment, vote, follow and add this to your library if you like it. You can request any prefe...