(I wrote some of them just saying how because i couldnt think about it really.)
You weren't even supossed to be there. Hell no one was, why didn't you have to try and be the good guy. You had been walking around a close by park with Tony one late night cause neither of you could sleep. You had heard something but he didnt, you told him to go to a little drugstore to get some sleeping pills.You didnt want to freak him out or think you were stupid if it was nothing. So once he had left you walked through some woods to where you heard the noises, there stood two men over another mans lifeless body, his own tie wrapped around his throat. You had gasped making them turn to you fast and before you could do anything they had grabbed you.
They started punching, kicking, and even strangling you. Tony had come back to the pack with the pills in hand as one of the men drew a knife and imendently pushed it in your chest and stomach repeatedly, your screams of pain getting louder then slowly dying. Tony had finally heard and dropped the bag running to where you were.
He gasped and teared up grabbing you and pulling you close as you cried softly, him not hearing the men quietly running away. He sobbed and held you close as he called 911, his hands turning crimson red as he applied pressed to the stab wounds.
You had both known calling wouldn't save you, the amount of blood lose and stab wounds received wouldn't even allow you to move. His last thought as you left him alone was, "Why does everything i love die? (S)He is my whole world.... she could have had so much more...."
In birthBruce;
Lab explosionBucky;
Car accidentPietro;
Switch him in Aou with you and he was Clint. Im not going to cry.Wanda;
(WARNING!!! Suicide... im sorry so if you dont like or feel comfortable please move on, i dont want anyone to feel bad please.)You had been going through a very tough time. You mother had passed away from some drunk driver two days ago, you brother had gotten in a huge fight with you resulting in rude words being thrown by him. You friend had called you out on being a lesbian (pretend i guess) and said she didn't feel comfortable around a girl who could like her. She had ended your friendship, over something No-one can control!
And to top of the mountain of fucked up bull going on Wanda had been very distant lately, you had suspected she had been cheating as you had once saw her leaving the tower with Vision. At first you thought nothing till they started hangout more then she did with you, You had always had a problem with depression and bad thoughts.
Wanda had gone out one afternoon with her brother to go somewhere as the other went out for lunch. You were stood in the bathroom staring at the mirror and the reflection of yourself. Dark bags, red puffy eyes, sunken in cheeks, paler skin then normal, you could have been related to Death really.
You glanced down at the bottle of pills that was in the palm of your hand, you sighed and bit your lip thinking. 'I get to see my mom... i won't burden anyone anymore. Wanda doesn't need to go behind my back anymore. She can be happy without me.....'
After a moment of thinking you opened the pill and dryly swallowed half the pills and gripped the sink so you didn't breakdown anymore.
Nat was driving as you and her followed a Hydra agent. "We're behind you guys now, he should be about to take a right, dont stick close though Nat!" Clint said over the ear mic. You laughed and rolled you eyes with her, she glanced over and smiled at you, she looked back at the road and grabbed your hand holding it softly.After awhile of following no to close someone leaned out the side widow and started shooting out at your car, you screamed as pain burst through your chest. Nat slammed on the brakes as Clint and Steve pasted by after them in another car. Nat pressed her hands to your chest hard yet gently as you gasped and coughed.
She stared down at her blood soaked hands in fear, something she hadn't really felt in awhile. She looked up to see teas falling down your cheeks as you looked into her own tearfulled eyes sadly. You held her hand softly as she started to cry and cup your cheek, she tried to stay quiet but once she locked in your eyes she couldn't hold the sobs in. She didn't even try to stop crying once the other ones came back to see her holding your cold body in her arms closely.
No one would have thought someone of Asgard could die from something like this. It was close to the breast cancer of Midgard but slightly different. No one could detect it and it caused horrible pain. No one at all, not even the best and most powerful healer in the universe. You had been layed up in bed for weeks, in unbearable pain and constant headaches.Thor never left your bedside the whole time, neither of you said anything, which was out of character for him. He just held you close to him he only moved when the healers came to give you medicine, even though everyone knew it wouldn't help.
His brother had even shown up to show his grief and sadness. He had sat with you two trying to make you both laugh and talk. He would try to making little flowers and gifts appear, Thor would always talk about how much you loved flowers and magic.
Thor had been holding you at 01:43am when he finally spoke after weeks. "No matter what happens. I will always love and cherish the time we have spent together for it has been the best time in my life. You have meant everything to me and i never want to let you go...."
He had looked down once you didn't respond, only so see you as if you were sleeping peacefully, he pulls you close and softly cried in your neck. He had lost the most important thing he had ever had. His love.
His 'father' had never liked you, he made it very, veryyy, very clear. But no one had that he would go as far as to send someone after you. The one time you had met him, you had been nothing but nice even though you had wanted to rip his head off for the way he had treated Loki.No one noticed anything till you and Maria had been out trying to find Fury a new eyepatch because Tony stole it the day before. As you had parked at another shop you told her to go in while you found a place to park. As you got out of the car and large hand grabbed your neck tightly slamming you against your car.
You gasped and looked up to see a large man staring down at you, he was dressed in Asgardian like clothing, he held a sword towards your stomach and glared down at you before mumbling something and stabbing the large sword through your stomach. You couldn't make a sound as he was crushing your throat in his hand.
As he pulled the sword out making you fall to the ground and grip your wound. He soon vanished as you heard a scream and saw Maria running towards you pulling out her phone. You were fading in and out a she yelled in the phone. You just started up at the sky as tears poured down your face.
You heard a loud booming noise before arms grabbed you and pulled you close. You could feel the movement as the person holding you cried but you couldn't hear anything beside your own blood pumping in your ears.
You looked up to see Loki's beautiful eyes looking down at you as tears rolled down his own cheeks. You had smiled softly and layed your head on his chest as you closed you eyes for one last time.
His brother stared down at the broken man he called his brother who now layed sobbing in a parking lot holding the bloody body of his love. His own tears falling to your face as if they were your own. He had never seen his brother even this hurt or pained in his life, and it was all because of his father, even of no one knew, yet.

Avengers Preferences And Imagines
FanficIncludes; Tony Stark Steve Rogers Clint Barton Bruce Banner Bucky Barnes Pietro Maximoff Wanda Maximoff Natasha Romanoff Thor Odinson Loki Laufeyson Please comment, vote, follow and add this to your library if you like it. You can request any prefe...