Tony had promised he wouldn't be so reckless. He had a kid to watch over now too. It all happened when Loki first attacked New York, when the missile was launched to them, Tony could only think of you and Jackson. He sacrificed himself just to save you and Jackson. When Steve talk you, it felt like your whole world broke and fell apart in front of your eyes. He didnt just leave you and Jackson behind, he left behind an unborn child.Steve;
(1940's. Im going to get shit wrong. Also not really a 'mission' )You and Steve had be dating forever, people didn't understand why someone as shy and clumsy as he was with someone as outgoing as you. He didn't tell you anything about what was going to be tested on him, he knew there was a large chance he wouldn't live, but it would help the research to go on and help others.
One night you were reading on the couch of your small old house when a knocked sounded on the door. As you opened the door, there stood Bucky Barnes. Steve best friend in the world, he always had a smile on his face, but not now. Tears ran down his face as he tried to hold in a sob. "H-He..... He's Gone..." he said before breaking down.
You stood there trying to understand what he meant till it hit you. Steve. But how? After Bucky and you calmed a bit, you asked. "All i know is he wanted to be a part of this stupid experiment shit! My best friend.... gone. For being selfless, wanting to help others too!" He said and stomped out fuming...
You heard about how Loki took over Clint, you were obviously furious. When Loki's minions attacked SHIELD you had been fighting some guy when you heard a shot behind you. You turned to see Clint laying there in his own blood as his changed for the horrible blue to his own beautiful eyes.He stared up at you and smirked a bit. "O-Only a flesh w-wound..." He said as you held hi close pressing on his chest where he was shot. He didn't even last 10 more minutes, he died in the arms of his true love, he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
(I dont wanna. ;-; please no. I love him so much i will fucking cry.)Bucky;
He was out with Steve and Nat on a mission to get some weapon from Hydra. Leaving a 6-month-pregnant You. Clint, Tony and You had been out trying to set up for Bucky's birthday party next Wednesday. After getting all the gifts and placing an order for the cake cus you can't for shit. Bucky usually cooks.Tony got a call, it was Nick Fury from SHIELD. A second after he picked up his face changed from a laughing smiling face to one of sorrow and sadness. When he hung up and walked back to the counter and said cancel the cake order. You went up to him and chewed on your lip.
"H-hes...gone isnt he?" You said holding back tears and rested a hand on your stomach. Tony pulled you close and walks you out as Clint rubbed your back.
Watch Age of Ultron. Im not going to cry.Wanda;
Steve, Wanda, and You were out on a mission to get some politic's kid who had been kidnapped. Once you finally got the kid you four were leaving, you looked over to Wanda and kissed her cheek. An instant after you all heard a shot and Wanda dropped to the floor. You screamed and grabbed her pulling her close and Steve found the almost died guy holding a gun.You head her close and moved the hair from her face as she stared up at you with black empty yet beautiful eyes.
During the Ultron fight when she was kidnapped, Bruce and Clint had to calm you down from going on a murderous rampage to get her back. When you had been fighting alongside Clint, Bruce went to get her, but when he got there, he found her layed on the cold hard ground. Blood soaking her chest and all around her.She had been shot 8 times in the chest and stomach. Bruce brought her to you after the fight. After the fight with Ultron, you refused to be a part of the Avengers and buried Nat in the backyard of the house you had together.
He is my sexy god stfu.Loki;
He is my smol jelly bean baby boy! Stfu he shall never die.

Avengers Preferences And Imagines
FanfictionIncludes; Tony Stark Steve Rogers Clint Barton Bruce Banner Bucky Barnes Pietro Maximoff Wanda Maximoff Natasha Romanoff Thor Odinson Loki Laufeyson Please comment, vote, follow and add this to your library if you like it. You can request any prefe...