Chapter 1

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I trudged to the bus stop, my head hanging low under my hood. The rain came in torrential downpours. It was October, which was a strange time to have rain in California. Today was field day, so I guess I should have chosen better things to wear than high top converse, skinny jeans, and a t-shirt. It's not like people expected me to do much, due to me being black and all. My brother, who had gone to this high school before me (but was now away at college) did not set very good expectations. They all thought I was just like my brother - another black student that didn't care and somehow managed to make it through life.

My feet slapped across the wet pavement as I reached my destination. There was nowhere to sit, obviously, because everyone was crowded under the overhang. A striking man with blonde hair and blue eyes caught my attention. He was speaking in a thick German accent on the phone.

"No, I don't know who zhey are, for the last time. That's vhy ve're looking for zhem. No, Feliciano, you can't come. Mein Gott. Vy don't you ever listen?"


Could it be...

My thoughts flashed back to the fandom I had recently become a part of. Hetalia... This person looked an awful lot like Germany. And he was talking to someone named Feliciano, who could be Italy...

I tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around to face me. "Yes? Vat do you need?" Now that I was face to face with him, it was harder to actually speak in front of those inquisitive blue eyes.

"By any chance, does your name happen to be Ludwig Beilschmidt?"

His eyes widened, and quickly narrowed. "Feliciano, I'll call you back," He said into the phone without breaking eye contact with me. He stood up abruptly, roughly grabbed my arm, and dragged me out of the bus stop to an area behind a building. I protested and screamed, but he roughly covered my mouth with a gloved hand. I was slammed against a wall and felt handcuffs being clicked shut around my wrists. He then covered my mouth with duct tape. I kept screaming however, but he began to speak again.

"You have ze right to remain silent. Zat's all. Keep your mouth shut."

He pulled out a walkie talkie. "I have found ze spy. Bring ze helicopter."

Spy?! What?! I'm just your average 14 year old African American girl trying to go to school! And what in the actual hell does he mean by helicopter?!

I soon found out that he quite literally meant a helicopter. I heard it before I saw it. In the sky, right above us, was a black helicopter adorned with painted roses all over the sides. A cord came down, and Germany grabbed me and the cord. It was soon raised back into the helicopter, which was a lot bigger on the inside that it looked on the outside. Like, private rooms, kitchen, and bathroom big.

A man with blonde hair, striking green eyes, and the bushiest eyebrows in the world walked into the room. I guess this was England, if these people were Hetalia characters. His eyes widened in surprise (recognition?) when he saw me. "Are you sure this is the spy?" He asked, incredulous. "It can't possibly be her. The gal's no older than fourteen!"

"How else would she know my name? My human name!" Germany yelled. "Don't ask me, ya bloody git!" England yelled back. "Ask her, she's right there! Oh wait, you DUCT TAPED HER MOUTH!" Someone I could only describe as America poked his head out from the cockpit. "GEEZ, you just got back it's already too loud in here." He then looked towards me, his eyes also widening. "Hey, bro," He said, his voice softening for a second, "Could it be her?" England looked towards America and gave a barely perceptible shake of the head, as if to say, we'll talk about this later. America nodded and went back to his usual self. "WELL, if she is only fourteen then we can't keep her tied up like this! How rude! If Japan were here, he'd have a panic attack to see how mean we're being to our guests." Before Germany could protest, America had the keys and was unlocking my handcuffs. He gently removed the tape from my face.

Yup, these people were definitely Hetalia characters.

Well, now I could talk. I stood up and walked directly over to England. I studied his face. "What's your name?" He asked. "Cocoa," I responded. I reached up to pet his eyebrows and giggled. "Just as I thought. Bushy as hell, Iggy. Or should I call you Arthur? Whatever you're comfortable with." I said with a shrug. He stepped back, his face a look of pure shock. "It's you..."

In seconds I was pushed against a wall with a gun to my head by Germany. "YOU HAVE FIFTEEN SECONDS TO TALK. HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE?" I whimpered. I didn't want to die today. I would have told them, but once they realized that I was only one out of a very large fan base, they would realize I wasn't the spy they were looking for, and then...

I'd have to go back. I wouldn't get to spend time with them. I wouldn't even get to meet---

Suddenly, Germany was tackled to the ground with a loud crash. "Ve~ Doitsu, let's play~"

Italy was sitting on him with a look of childlike bliss on his face. "Oh, where did you a-go?" He said looking around him. "ITALIAAAAAAA! GET OVV OV ME!" Germany screamed. I laughed. America laughed as well, and even England couldn't resist an gentlemanly chuckle. Everyone quieted down as a sound came from the cockpit.

"AIYAH! All of your useless noise makes it hard to pilot this thing, aru."

China was here...?

Before anyone could stop me, I ran into the cockpit and saw China sitting there. He was just as beautiful as I'd imagined. He looked a thousand times better than all the fanart. His eyes widened as he stood up and walked over to me. His hand cupped my cheek. "Měilì..."(Beautiful) I had no idea what that meant, but China, my long time crush, was cupping my cheek and staring into my eyes. That was enough to fangirl for a month. "Y-Yao..." I stuttered back.

As we stayed there, reveling in the moment and the connection, I heard a faint "Kol, kol, kol, kol, kol..." I ripped myself away from China's mesmerizing gaze and turned to face the person in the assistant pilot's chair. China turned white. I opened my mouth to say something, but China beat me to it.

"Ah, R-Russia-san! I-uh-just thought that she was, um, you know, really pretty---"

The air around Russia turned purple. Obviously that was the wrong thing to say. So whenever China is flustered he can't think straight. Great. It looks like things were up to me to keep both of us alive, and not bludgeoned to death by that stupid faucet. I guided China back into his seat and turned to Russia.

"Ivan, I'm really sorry."

He looked somewhat appeased, if not amused that I had used his human name. I held my hand out. "I hope we can begin on good terms. I'm Cocoa." He grabbed my hand forcefully and yanked me towards him.

"If you so much as look at him funny, there will be nowhere on this earth you can hide from me, da?"

He shoved me away roughly. I had only been on this thing for an hour and I had already made an enemy. And it just had to be the scariest country in all of Hetalia. "Now, you will leave the room and shut the door so I can have a little talk with my Yao-Yao, da?" He said sending a pointed glare towards China. I nodded furiously. As I made for the door, I caught a glimpse of China's eyes. They silently pleaded with me. Help, they seemed to say. I sent him a sympathetic look as I closed the door. I didn't want to die. 

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