Chapter 2

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I walked out the door and faced England, America, Germany, Italy, and Japan, my second biggest crush. I bounced over to him next.

"Kiku!" I squealed, excited to meet him. "You're reaally cute."

Maybe the stress of me using his human name and not knowing how to handle compliments was too much, because his face turned as red as a tomato. "A-Arigatou." He promptly turned on his heel and left the room. I looked towards the rest of the countries there. "I'm not sure whether your encounter with China or Japan was more adorable, but you definitely have a thing for Asian countries." America stated simply. I blushed profusely - not that any of them could tell. Our little staring contest was cut short by an angry yell coming from the cockpit.


"But you do belong to me, da? You signed a fucking contract!"



"Shut. Up."

China's anger could be felt through the door. I strode over to open it but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Germany. He shook his head. I stared, unbelieving. I looked around at the other nations. England's head was down, looking at his shoes. Italy looked out the window. I turned toward America, hoping at least he would back me up on this. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, Cocoa," he smiled sadly, "Not even a hero can help Yao now."

I couldn't believe this. "Don't you guys care?!" I yelled. "That is your friend and he needs help! You can't just sit here and listen to this without doing anything!"

China's next scream was accompanied by the sickening sound of bone breaking.

Tears streamed down my face. "What even are you guys?! Heartless beings?! Don't you care? Don't you care at all?"

"ENOUGH!" Germany yelled looking like he was about to cry himself. "Do you zink ve like doing zis? Do you zink ve want to sit here and listen to him suffer?! Ve have no ozer choice, Cocoa! Any zing ve do to try and stop him is pointless! He'll simply attack all of us! Ve've tried before. Ve've tried. And it didn't vork. If you go in there right now, the only thing you'll succeed in doing is getting yourself killed."

The gravity of the situation overwhelmed me and I fainted.

When I woke up, I opened my eyes to find six countries giving me worried looks.

Germany, England, Italy, America, Canada (who I didn't even know was on here) and Japan (who had resurfaced from his panic attack). England spoke first. "We have determined that you are not the spy." My heart leapt in my throat. Were they letting me go? They couldn't! Not when---

China yelled again. Russia laughed. It seemed as if the situation had escalated to a full on fight. England cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"But since you refuse to tell us how you know who we are, and since you know we exist, we cannot simply let you go." Now I wasn't sure if that was good news or bad news. "So we are going to keep watching you until you decide to say something. You are moving to Florida. Germany will escort you to school every day. We have already notified your parents of this. They think that you saw something that the government needs info on, and they are fine with you going in for 'comfortable questioning' for the next three months."

Three months?! With Hetalia?! I'm not sure if that's heaven or hell, but it sounds great!

My little celebration in my head stopped when I heard Russia speak through the door.

"If I say you're mine, I mean it. You are one with Russia, da? Act like it. Understand?"

The whole place shook as Russia's boot stomped into the ground.


"Y-yes, Ivan, I u-understand..."

The door opened and we all jumped a foot in the air. Russia walked out with a bloody faucet in his hand. It looked as if he had been through a war zone. His coat was nowhere to be found, and there were cuts and scratches all the way up both of his arms, as well as a cut on his face. A bruise was forming around his neck where it looked like Yao had tried to strangle him. He quickly adjusted his scarf to hide it when he noticed me staring.

"Privet, everyone! I'll go wash this off, da~" He winked at me as he walked off. I shuddered. Canada spoke up, looking towards me. "This is the only time we are really allowed to help China. We normally clean his wounds after they fight, but since you probably have things to say to h---" Canada didn't need to finish talking. Though conscious of Japan's jealous brooding gaze on me, I was already in the cockpit with a washcloth, antiseptic, gauze, and bandages. I was met with a horrible sight.

China was curled in a corner, one of his legs bent in an awkward angle that indicated something wasn't right. There was blood everywhere, to the point that I didn't know whether it was his or Ivan's. There were other various cuts and bruises slowly forming. His shirt was in shreds, and on his back, the scar had been re-opened. I gasped.

I rushed over to him and knelt down. "Yao..." I said. It was all I could manage. He gave a weak smile, and reached up to wipe the tears I didn't know I had shed. "Don't cry, Měilì. You look better when you're happy." I began dressing his wounds one by one. I had cleaned all of the other wounds when Russia came back into the cockpit. I froze.

"Russia, I---"

"Shhhhh," he said. I was stunned. He wasn't going to kill me. That was good. I continued to dress Yao with bandages when I came to his shirt. How was he supposed to wear this? It was in multiple pieces. Russia's coat landed on the ground next to me. "Give it to him." It was a command. I looked at Russia, seeing a sad smile on his face. Somehow getting the coat on him, I nudged him awake gently. "Yao, you have to pilot the helicopter now." I said quietly. He sat up with a groan.

I told him that we were headed to Florida. He simply nodded. I understood how he might have wanted to cut off all contact with me to avoid getting hurt again, but the amount of indifference was cri----

China's lips were on mine. And just as quickly, they weren't. He had stolen a kiss when Russia wasn't looking.

What the hell...

I frowned and he smiled back. Standing up, I picked up the bloody bucket and towels. I stepped outside the door, my fingers ghosting over my lips.

My first kiss had been with a 4000 year old nation. And strange as it was, I felt myself blushing from kissing a man I didn't even know.

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