Sketches (Crona x Reader)

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Edited: 06/04/18

I watch (Y/n), like I always do. She never notices me. Which is good. I wonder what is in her sketchbook. It would be rude to take it or sneak a peek. I don't even know her that well. I could just ask, but what if she doesn't want anyone to see? Shifting my focus, I look at her (h/l) (h/c) locks instead. It looks so soft. I want to touch it so badly.

(Y/n)'s pencil touches her mouth. Her eyes look right at me. Head doesn't move, just her eyes. We stare at each other, only a little while. (Y/n) smiles a small smile. She waves at me. I whip my head the other way, blushing furiously. I thought it was only a small crush. One of those small crushes you get on attractive people when out in public. Nope, it escalated.

My eyes are still on (Y/n), she covered her mouth and laughed a little bit. She continues drawing, lost in her own little world. Always is, it's kind of adorable and very endearing.


It is after school. I am outside, looking down at everything from the tip of the school. (Y/n) is here sitting with me. At a distance I can build the courage to watch her, but up close I am a nervous wreck. We sit in silence beside each other. I can almost see what she is drawing. But (Y/n) is holding the sketchbook in a way so that I can't see.

A couple minutes pass. (Y/n) lets out a frustrated sigh. Her fingers crumple up a sheet of paper into a ball.

"A-are you o-okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Just frustrated," her honey sweet voice says. She closes her sketchbook and stands up. I watch her as she walks away.

I can see a forest green notebook on the ground. Walking over to it I recognize it. This is (Y/n)'s sketchbook. She must have dropped it. I could see what she was drawing, or I could respect her privacy.

I pick up the notebook, and flip open to the first page. There is a beautiful sketch of the DWMA. No colour and just grey, but still beautiful. Next was the basketball court, then places all around the school inside and out. After flipping through many pages, one catches my eye. I see a nice sketch of me. Just me, nothing else. The label, that's what gets me. It says 'Crona', and has a small heart underneath.

"Excuse me," a voice says. I look up and see (Y/n). Jumping backwards a little, I let out a small yelp and drop the notebook.

"Sorry," I say, flustered and turning red. We both go down to retrieve the sketchbook. Our hands touch, like in the movies. Except nobody pulls away, we just stay there, looking at each other awkwardly.

"Why did you look at it?" She asks nervously.

"Um, I, er, um, uh..." She sighs in defeat, picking up the sketchbook and holding it close to her chest.

"You probably know now."

"About what?"

"Look at it! It should be obvious."

I look at the page with my face on it. My eyes wonder from the picture itself, to my name, to the heart. Does she like me? What would I do? What do I say? Do I tell her I like her? What comes after that?

"D-don't worry. I-i like y-you too."

"Really?" Her (e/c) eyes light up. I can only nod my head.

"They are really good," I point to her sketchbook.


"Um, do you want to maybe, go with me somewhere?" I say, trying to be cool with asking her out on a date. Did I go a bit too fast? We only just spoke for the first time, and it was over me being a sneak and looking at her sketchbook.

"I assume you are asking me out on a date."

"Unless you don't want to. Then, um, I don't know."

"I wasn't going to say no. I wanted you to make the first move, so I wouldn't make you uncomfortable."

"Okay! When do you want to go? Where should we go?"

"Anything is good."

We stand in silence. I didn't think I would get this far. What should I say? What do I do?

"Maybe we could go to a cafe?" (Y/n) asks.

"Okay!" I smile at her, a genuine warm smile. She smiles back at me, making me blush again. Why do I turn into a pile of mush around her? Is that love?

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