Help Me (Black*Star x Reader)

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Edited: 07/04/18

I never would have thought I would be in a tight embrace with Tsubaki and Black*Star. Well, maybe an embrace with Tsubaki, but not at 3am.

~About An Hour And A Half Ago~

I wake up for an unknown reason. Something seemed, off. A feeling inside my mind. It is like a word on the tip of your tounge, but a feeling instead.

I lay still on my side, thinking it will just go away. I feel like I am not truly there. Like I am detached from everything around me. What is going on?

Sitting up straight, I break into a cold sweat. My mind, it is driving me crazy. Not only that, but my breathing gets faster, as does my heartbeat.

I just need to take a small walk, get a drink of water, or something. But as soon as I get up, I feel faint and weak. Yes, cold water will help.

Navigating around the people sleeping on the floor, I finally get to the kitchen. The room is starting to spin, and I feel small. Trying to distract myself, I focus on getting the water.

Using the counter as support, I try to gather thoughts, come to a conclusion. I am starting to get worried. What is happening? Was I drugged? Am I losing control, or even going crazy? My knees start to give away, and I slowly slide down to the ground. Tears are coming down. I am, honestly, kind of scared.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" A voice whispers. I recognize it as Tsubaki.

"Y-yes. Oh please. Help me. I don't know what is going on." I whimper. Looking up, I see her walking towards me.

"This, like everything else, will pass. You will be okay." Tsubaki crouches down next to me, and hugs me. I lean into her, feeling a bit comforted.

"Tsubaki. Is that you?" A voice says. I look up to see who it is. Bad idea. The room is still spinning, and I start to feel nauseous. But, I at least know it is Black*Star. "What is going on?"

"I don't know." Tsubaki answers.

"Is she okay? (Y/n)? Are you okay?"

"I-i don't... know what is... going on. What is happening to me?" I sob. "I'm scared."

Black*Star slides down next to me. His arms holds me shoulder.

"You will be fine." He reassures me. "I'll make sure of that."

I like this side of him. Soft, and caring. I smile a bit, but let out a sob right after. Tsubaki and Black*Stars arms tighten around my shaking body.

"We'll stay with you until this is over."

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