Library Love (Black*Star x Reader)

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(B/n) =Boys name

The DWMA library was completely empty, except for two people. (Y/n), who volunteers to shelve books, and Black*Star, who was put there for detention.

"What did you get in trouble for?" Black*Star asks (Y/n), confused as to what she could have done or why she would be here otherwise.

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) asks politely, but slightly offended.

"What did you do to get detention?" He asks again.

"I am not in detention. I just shelve books to keep this place tidy and clutter free."

"But why would you do that?! It is so boring here!" Black*Star bursts out.

"I said I do it to keep this place tidy. If you are here for detention, then just shelve those three piles. I will deal with the other eight. You can leave after they are correctly put away," (Y/n) points at three huge mountains of books. "Find the correct section and aisle, then put the book where it should be. Books are arranged alphabetically by author. And no shouting in the library."


"Unless you want more."

"No. Three is fine."

"Move it, then. Less chatting more shelving. I sing when I work, by the way. Hope it doesn't bother you."

(Y/n) lifted a, rather large, stack of books to the science section, and started to hum. Black*Star sighed, and started to grab some books.


(Y/n) had finished her eight by the time Black*Star got to the final few books of his third stack, since he got sidetracked reading comics. She looks down at the few books left and runs her fingers through her hair. After doing so, she picks them up and heads to put them away. Black*Star notices her.

"That was in my pile. Why are you putting them away for me?" He asks.

"Little less work for you." (Y/n) looks over at him.

"Can I leave then?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."


"What did I say?" (Y/n) mumbles to herself.

~The Next Day~

(Y/n) was in the library after school, as usual, shelving. There were not nearly as many books today, so she would be done early. Unless someone makes a mess.

She walks to the final section. It was the section with all the manga. (Y/n) stopped singing her favorite song, to shelve the final books, and look for a new series to read. She scans the titles, Soul Eater, Ouran High School Host Club, and more. The second looks the most interesting. Taking out the first three books to read, (Y/n) hears her name being called. Her head looks up and around. No one can be seen.

"(Y/n)!" A voice calls. It is slightly familiar.

(Y/n) moves towards to voice. It comes from Black*Star, the one who was there yesterday.

"Quiet. This is a library." She reminds the blue haired boy.

"Sorry." He says. "I couldn't find you."

"You would have found me eventually."

"But I wanted to find you soon."

"Well, you found me." She says, expecting an answer, but not getting any. "What did you want?"

"To read."

"Then find a book." (Y/n) was starting to get annoyed.

Walking away, his hand grabbed her shoulder.

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