Chapter seven

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I pray that someone will come save me. I know i'm doing this for my people but its too painful. I've suffered slashes, cuts, hits, kicks and impacts. I dont know if i can take this any longer, i need to get out of here. But even if i did, would anyone even reconize me? I look so different, the blood covers my face and i feel as if i am in a totally new body. I hear fotsteps and bace myself for more torture, I guess i can call it a blessing that they havn'n ripped my fingernails off yet. A grounder appears with a small knive in his hand. I can't do this, i wont let them cut me again. I wait for the grounder to come closer, than with all the strength i have, i kick him. He drops the knife then stumbles backward. I instantly regret what i did but i use my feet to kick the knife up toward my hands. I grab the knife than moments later feel a hand hit my face. Before i can recover i get a kick to the stomach than another hit to the face. I struggle to breathe but when i catch my breathe and look around, the grounder is gone. I try to count the hours as they go by. One hour, two hours, three hours. Its almost the end of the day when i hear footsteps approach. The same grounder appears, this time with anger. He holds a long sword and puts it over my heart. "For my lost loved ones" he says, i have learned to speak their language, but what use will it be to me now. Then, the words i fear the most, escape his lips. "Yu gonplie ste odon" he pushes the sword down on my chest, i wince with pain, than a loud noise fills the air. The grounder stops pushing on my chest with the sword. I look at him, theres terror in his eyes, then he falls to the ground dead, and i hear more footsteps, someone else is here to kill me, i just know it. Then he comes into sight, Bellamy.

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