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He hated The sound of beeping. It reminded him of his sister, how the beeping started rapidly then stopped dead. The smell of cleaning products filled his nose.

He opened his eyes, blinking to adjust the light.

He looked around.

There was white walls, white tile floors, a white door and he was laying on a white bed with white sheets.

The door opened. His parents and the doctor came in.

His mother was crying into his farther's chest.

"My gosh." His mother cried. She pulled away and walked to Clyde. She grabbed his hand and held it.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." She cried.

"Don't cry mom. It hurts when I see you like that."

"I know. I just love you."

"I love you too mom." He smiled weakly.

His farther walked to him.

"You look terrible son." His farther smiled sadly.

"I love you dad."

His dad pulled him into a hug.

"I love you too son."

Clyde was confused. 'Why didn't they act like this when Evelyn passed?' He thought

"I have the results." A voice clears their throat.

The family of three looked up at the doctor.

"Have a seat." He motioned to his parents to sit. His parents sat, looking up at the doctor.

"The results are, well, he has broken ribs, broken nose."

His mother gasped. "What?!"

"That isn't even the worst news." The doctor said.

"What could be worse than broken bones?" His farther spoke up.

The doctor sighed. "Well something fractured his skull and well, Somehow he got a brain tumor." The doctor said.

"No. No! NO!" His mother cried.

Clyde just laid there with no reaction. His parents cried while he just laid ther, shocked.

"The good news is that there is a surgery process, but it is expensive." The doctor said.

"We will do the surgery." His farther said.

"Ok. I'll show you guys to the paperwork will some officers will ask your son some questions." His partners nodded and followed the doctor.

Two cops came in shorty after.

They sat in the seat in front of him.

"My name is officer Mark and this is my partner officer Dale. We are here to ask you some questions. So let's get started Clyde. Who did this to you?"

"Nathan Hauld. I don't know The other 4 guys but I know the one who beat me, which is Nathan."

"Okay." Officer Mark scribbled something in his notebook before looking at Clyde again.

"So tell me what happened? And why did this happen?"

"Well this happened because Nathan wanted me to help him with something and well I refused."

"Okay." He scribbled more into the notebook.

"He told the 4 guys to come out. 2 of them pinned me to the locker while the other two had look out. Nathan beat me until the principal was coming. They ran. All I remember is seeing a bunch of student and teachers there watching me and I heard ambulance sirens, before I blacked out." He said.

"Ok. That's all the information we need for now. Thank you and goodbye." The officers nodded before leaving. He laid there.

Why did this happen to me, out of all people? He asked himself.

Among The Stars [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now