Day 47

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She came to school today, the day after her best friend died. She said she is fine but I know that means "I really need help I just want to curl up into a ball and die" so I followed her everywhere. At one point in the day I went to hang with my friends, went back to check on her and she was punching lockers and sobbing. Then she feel on the floor crying people started laughing. I screamed for my friends and got them to find out who did it and make them pay. I will never let her feel like this again. While my boys were attacking the students, her moms comes running in crying they had to drag her out of the school just so she would go home. I want to destroy everyone who made her feel like that but the principal came in and stopped everything I punches a kid who was laughing the hardest. Multiple times,many many times I wanted him to die for laughing at her.

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