chapter 6

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"Taylor," Beth gives her no time to take on what's happening, "where's Harley?" She grips Taylor's shoulders, desperation in her voice. Taylor doesn't seem like Beth's words are making any sense to her. She looks around wildly, "Wh-what?" She mumbles. Her eyes are droopy, and she can't seem to keep her head in one place. "Taylor, we need to know where Harley is." I tell her sternly, hoping it'll get through to her. She groans in pain. "Harley?" She whispers. It takes a second, but her eyes widen. "Oh my god, guys! Harley!" She rushes to stand up, hardly keeping her balance. Beth gets excited that she's finally come to. "Yes, Harley." Beth rushes from her mouth. "Taylor, where's Harley?" Taylor looks around desperately, confusion still etched into her features. "I-I don't know, she was with me and then, then something happened, and I wake up here and she's not here and o-oh my god." She stutters over her panicked words, her eyes watering. "Taylor," I stop her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. "Taylor, sweet heart, its okay." I shush her, my hand rubbing up and down her back. I wince in pain as she sets her hand on my shoulder, but I ignore it for her. "We're gonna find her." I promise to her. She nods her head, trying to hold back tears. I let go of her, kissing the top of her head. Beth grabs our shoulders, "Come on guys, we need to find Harley." Me and Taylor nod, and we set off to search for her.
"Okay," Taylor starts off. "How in the hell did beth manage to be the only one to not get hurt?"
I shake my head in disbelief. "She's Beth. That's how." Beth is too distracted to respond. She searches wildly for Harley, shouting her name as loud as possible in hopes where ever Harley is, she'll hear her.
Taylor nods in agreement. "How did you get hurt?" She looks me up and down, watching me flinch just slightly when I step.
"Fuck man, we were in the theatre and it just all came crashing down I guess. Its destroyed."
Taylor's face fills with absolute horror, "IT'S DESTROYED?! THE THEATRE IS GONE?" I chuckle at the fact that we're standing in the rubble of our school and she thought the theatre would be okay.
"Yeah," I tell her. "Much to my disappointment." Both me and Taylor have a deep passion for theatre, and to know that our 2nd home is no more, hell our 1st home probably is too, saddens us.
Me and Taylor climb over a hill of ruble, following Beth's lead. Taylor doesn't end the conversation, "What do you think happened?"
I stop walking. I look around me, rubble, dust, ashes, all around us is a wasteland that used to be our school. Craters are formed in the ground, and bodies lay under bricks. I sigh, what could have done this? What could so easily destroy the life I lived? The life my friends lived? Was this an attack on the entire country? Or is it just us? So many questions ran through my mind, buzzing in my head like a fly that won't go away. I glance up at the sky, "I really don't know."

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