Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Ishan thought, could this text really be from Elena? Why would she text someone like him? It doesn't add up, right? He had stood there and stared at her like a creep. Did girls like that?

He rang the bell and his mother opened the door. She greeted him with a smile, "How was school?" she said as she took the bag off his shoulders.

"Fine," Ishan said, his eyes locked on the screen of his cell phone. He ran to his "corner" of the house and sat on the bed. He texted back his reply to that unknown number,

Who is this?

Exhausted from the long day at school, he lay down on his bed, which he had to involuntarily share with his younger sister.

Over the years, while Ishan had grown to become nearly six feet tall, his bed hadn't. Whenever he lay down on his bed with his legs outstretched his feet hanged down at the edge of the bed.  It didn't bother Ishan anyway, so he drifted off to sleep.

Ishan had accepted the financial conditions of his family with a silent resignation. Simply put, he didn't think about it.

The two room flat, with plaster peeling out of the walls, the two squeaking beds in one room where the family of four slept together, a gas stove with a few cupboards around it in one corner was the kitchen and a single worn out couch, a few chairs and a tv was the living room.

Ishan owned a computer which was kept in one corner of the living room, and a book rack filled with books, purchased at cheap rates from a second hand book store.

He compensated for the more or less useless curriculum of the school with these books that consumed most of his time. These books in a way had provided him some respite, lifted him from his dull irrelevant existence and transferred him to far away imaginary lands where he could be anything he wished.

Ishan loved his books and the books loved him back.

Ishan woke up suddenly by his phone buzzing loudly. He looked at the screen and saw a familiar name "Reuben" across it. He snapped back to his senses and answered the phone.

"Hey why the hell didn't you come to school today?" Ishan demanded in a raspy voice.

"Umm. I wasn't feeling too well. I'm coming downstairs. Meet me in five, "said Reuben in his usual sluggish tone.

"Sure, "said Ishan and cut the call.

Ishan was just heading down when his mother stopped him in his tracks. "Hey! Have some milk before you head out! "She demanded in an unusually sweet voice.

Indian mothers could never let one leave the house on an empty stomach. It was a matter of life and death for them.

Ishan gulped down the milk in one go and went downstairs.

Reuben was waiting for him at the curb. He looked paler than usual. Reuben was muscular and well built with broad shoulders, a round face, brown almond-shaped eyes and a rather disinterested look always on his face. One thing he lacked was height. He was shorter than most people of his age.

Ishan and Reuben had been friends for almost eight years now. Growing up in the same neighborhood, they played together since childhood and shared almost everything. Their families knew each other quite well too.

Ishan saw him waiting down at the curb and went and shook hands with him with a wide grin on his face

"So how are you feeling now? What happened yesterday? "Ishan asked casually

Reuben started staring at his feet, "I was out with friends pretty late and you know-"

"What friends? "Ishan cut him off.

"My cousin Zakir and some of his friends to be exact. We went up to his friend Rohan's place. His parents weren't home so we scored some hash that's all. It was pretty late at night. I sneaked into my house and slept and told my mom later in the morning that I had a headache so she let me miss school," Reuben said and crossed his arms.

"You sure what you're getting into here Reuben? Do you like, do it everyday? "Ishan asked with a grim look on his face.

"Chill man. Just once or twice a week, sometimes thrice. It's just for fun Ishan. Stop being my mom, "said Reuben with a playful smirk on his face.

Ishan let out a sigh and said, "Yeah right. I guess. "

Ishan thought maybe he was worrying too much. If Reuben knew his limits, it shouldn't be a problem.

He stopped pursuing that train of thought at once when something hit him. That text from the unknown number. He muttered under his breath, "I forgot to check my phone. "

He ran off in a haste, "I got to go Reuben. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye. "

Before Reuben could throw up his hands in protest asking what the matter with his friend was, Ishan was gone.


Thankyou for reading this chapter. The story is gradually picking up. We meet Reuben in this chapter, let me know in the comments what you think about him.

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And yes, the third chapter is gonna be here in no time.

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