Chapter Eighteen, Part One

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"Merry Christmas Elena ", Ishan replied with a dreamy smile while Elena's eyes scrutinized him

"Boring party, isn't it?" Elena said.

Ishan was too lost in the black of her eyes that he forgot to listen what she said. The words hit his ears but their meaning was lost on him. He jolted out of his mindless state, embarrassed by his inability to focus.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Elena laughed and he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"I was saying that this is a boring party" she clarified.

"I know right. I was about to leave in fifteen minutes. What's up with you, alone here?"

Elena's expression turned grim while she answered casually, " I was so drained among so many people there. Just wanted to get some space."

"Ohh, I'm sorry. Did I intrude?" Ishan wanted to be polite.

"No. No. Please stay. " Elena said seemingly fidgety with her hands.

A strange silence engulfed them. That was the thing when two people who once used to share everything talked after months. Time had erected boundary walls between them. Who decided how much was too much to say? Who decided how much was just enough not to make one or both of them uncomfortable.

Ishan was frantically searching his head for something to talk about.

"So, how have you been lately? Elena broke the silence.

The simple question made Ishan recall all that he had done in the past two months. He thought he had delivered drugs to shady places and earned a lot of money, he had been beaten black and blue and seen a man hold a gun over someone's head to save him. He was knee deep into a drug circle with no intentions of staying there. A lot had happened.

"Same old. Nothing new. I met Karan a week ago" he said recalling the unfortunate encounter.

Ishan noticed that Elena shuddered at the mention of Karan's name.

"Really? We broke up. And this time it's final". The serious tone of her voice was not to be missed.

Ishan was expecting this. He anticipated that Elena would see through the ruse Karan was pulling. He didn't regret one bit the one or two punches he'd thrown at his face.

"I'm so sorry. How long has it been? "Ishan said sounding empathetic even though the only thing he was feeling was a dull sense of satisfaction.

"A week, more or less"

"How are you holding up?"

"Actually, I feel a lot better. I knew it had to happen one day. He kept doing what he did, and I kept pretending I didn't notice. ", she said and glanced at her feet.

"You'll hardly believe this but I got into a fight with Karan last week" Ishan said

"What? You can't be serious" Elena said with an expression of awe and dread on her face.

"He was at this party and he was too close to another girl, and I went up to him and said 'How can you do this? You're with Elena' "

Elena stood there staring at Ishan in wonderment as Ishan narrated his story.

"He got agitated and a fight broke out. I punched him, he punched me" Ishan said. Although, the fight did not end particularly well for him, he decided Elena didn't have to know that.

"Ohh my God" Elena said holding her hand over her chest. "You punched him. I surely owe you one."

Ishan laughed. Elena moved her hand towards Ishan's face, "Is that how you got this cut?" she said as she touched Ishan's forehead.

It pained a little but Elena's sudden touch bought a tingling sensation along with it. When Elena realized what she was doing, she moved her hand away abruptly, "I'm sorry" she said clumsily.

"Yes, that was the courtesy of your ex", Ishan said.

A lot of people had gathered near to the stairs now and Ishan could feel people staring at them. Elena being so popular in school, had to attract some stairs and gossip.

"Hey, do you want to go outside. I'll walk you home" Ishan was surprised at his newfound confidence.

As they walked outside the building, they noticed the fog that hung low above the ground. Elena wrapped her jacket around her tightly and passed a tight lipped smile to Ishan.

"I miss talking to you" Ishan said directly, vapor coming out of his mouth as he spoke.

"Really? I though my step sister kept you busy." Elena said playfully.

Ishan was surprised that Elena was still holding onto that. He couldn't remember the last time he talked to Myra. It had been more than a month, surely.

"God, no Elena. We didn't talk much after that day. "

"Yeah yeah, I get it. She's hot isn't she?" she said and Ishan could feel the weight of her eyes on him.

"Yeah, she is. But I'm more into cute. And you're way cuter than she is." Ishan saw Elena blush as the words left his mouth and trying hard to hide it.

"Look at you blush." Ishan continued as Elena turned her face away from him.

She slapped Ishan on his arm. As they walked nearer to Elena's house Ishan felt uneasy. Would they meet again sometime? What did today mean?

"Hey I'll see you soon" Elena said as she was about to part from Ishan.

Soon. How soon? Was this just a way of being polite? Nonetheless Ishan replied, "Sure. Merry Christmas"

Elena replied with the same and Ishan saw her sliding through the gate. Ishan walked home feeling strangely excited. He did not know what the future held, but the thrill of anticipation made his heart do a somersault.

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