Chapter Twenty, Part Two

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Ishan sat on the last bench diagonally a yard away from Elena who was heavily engrossed in her textbook. He glanced in her direction every few minutes trying to catch her gaze, but to no avail.

What she had done the other day at the park was pretty weird even by her standards. Ishan had hoped that she would have called and explained herself but she had not, which was disappointing and even stranger than what she had done in the first place.

Even so, he thought there would be some sane plausible excuse for what she did. Maybe it was embarrassing to a certain level, that is why she chose not to text or call him that day.

He had thought that he would get the chance to confront her after school, but thanks to Mr. Omar he would have to rush to his mansion to hand over the package that he was urgently expecting by 3pm. Sharp. He had decided to carry the heavy package in his bag, there was just not enough time to go to his home, and then go to the mansion.

Almost every minute, he cursed his luck that he was being pulled closer to the center of this drug racquet. It was as if, the powerful drug lord had a noose around his neck and if he even let a faint glimmer of the thought of quitting enters his mind he would tighten it.

He tried to surmise the repercussions if he just went AWOL and didn't reply to any of their calls? What would happen? Will they track him down? Did they know where he lived? Did the phone they give him have a GPS tracker? Would they harm him because he knows too much? Would they harm his family?

His brain ached. Every question was like a wrecking ball colliding with the inner walls of his brain. He'd go insane soon, he thought if he thought too much.

His world was capsizing but Elena was peacefully writing in his notebook. As she leaned over her desk, her hair fell down her face. She would use her fingers to push them behind her ear but they were stubborn. Let them fall, you look more beautiful, Ishan thought as he watched her hold a pencil between her full lips which thinned at their edges, looking uncharacteristically dull today.

Well, if only I could...he paused replaying the scandalous thoughts in his mind. No. Was thinking what he was thinking wrong, then why did it felt so right?

He was amazed at the extent to which he could forget all his enormous real world problems looking at her. Her slender waist, stuck to her top as she bent forward and the flesh of her neck, untouched, being pulled by her collar bones. He was interrupted by a screeching sound.

The whole class reacted in unison, as the speakers of the school blared loudly. The voice of the principal followed.

"Students as you all know, that a lot of kids have started abusing drugs in this school. So at this very moment a bag check will be conducted. All of you should remain in your classrooms. Teachers, don't allow anyone to move outside. Your cooperation is appreciated."

Ishan's heart started thumping so loudly in his chest, he was sure that the whole class could hear it. Why would they do a bag check today? Out of all days? Blood pounded at the back of his head as his breath was racing. His nails screeched the desk, as he felt the walls around closing in on him.

His eyes darted left and right as a peon entered the classroom and started checking the bags in row wise order. He was in the last row giving him some time. He wanted to rip his heart out of his ribcage. I'm going to go to jail.

The conclusion was apt as he played down his options. He was not carrying a gram of two of marijuana that he'd be suspended. His bag was full of more than one kilogram of cocaine. This was a police case. Prison, his mind screamed trying to settle down the true meaning of his words upon him. How would he face his parents? How would he face Elena?

The peon was in the second row now, less than two minutes away. He tried to breathe in as much air as he could. He didn't know when he would be able to breathe freedom again. As the peon reached Elena, he glanced at her trying to memorize her face.

As the peon reached his row, only one question vibrated in his mind. What did I do to deserve this? He wished he had not agreed to Zakir that day. Fate had now played its hand. It was a cruel unforgiving hand. He wished the ground would somehow open up and swallow him whole before the peon reached him. That is when it hit him. He could make a last ditch effort to save himself.

He whispered to Elena, "Elena give me your bag" he didn't try to underplay the desperation in his mind.

Elena turned to look at Ishan as the whole class was busy gossiping. "What?" she whispered back.

"Just give it to me. Please", she said as Elena eyed him suspicuosly. He wished he would understand the severity of his features and the desperation of his tone.

Shethrew her bag towards him an instance before the peon was done checking the bag of the student sitting on the desk ahead of him.

With one swiping motion of his hand he stuffed his bag under his knees and placed Elena's bag on his table. The clerk checked the same bag mechanically, too absent minded to recognize it and passed him.

Only when he had left the class, Ishan allowed the relief sear through his bones and held his head between his arms to come back to his senses from the verge of a mental breakdown. He was saved. His hands still shivered as he tried restoring his thumping heart. The bell rang marking the end of school.

He gazed upwards only to find Elena staring at her. He handed over her bag,

"What's in your bag?" Elena asked as they both walked out of the class.

"Nothing", Ishan said looking elsewhere.

"Why did you ask for my bag?" Elena said.

Ishan didn't say anything hoping she would not press the issue. When they were outside the school gate, Elena pulled him back by his arm and glared hard into his eyes. "Answer the question, Ishan. What is in your bag?" Ishan was sure she had never seen Elena angrier. Her eyes were raging as she clenched her jaw tightly.

"Oh my God, do you do drugs?" she followed her eyes widened.

"No, it's not that. I can't tell you."

"You can't tell me," she throwed her hands up in the air in protest.

"Wait a second, "Ishan fired back. "You have some explaining to do yourself. Why did you run away that day? Don't I deserve to know?" Ishan was confident that that would shut her up.

She was silent, until she replied, "You really want to know. Come" she said and grabbed his arm.

"But where are we going?" Ishan protested only to find himself being dragged by her.


We have come a long way in the story. Do give me your feedback. How has it been? What does it lack? It will help me greatly. Thank you.

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