chapter nineteen

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  • Dedicated to Vanessa Gortney

Lou's pov

" You have our baby to look after Lou ". I nod my head. " I know but, I can do both ". He shake's his head. " No Lou, I want you home with our daughter ".

I walk away now why does he have to make everything so hard.

Vane's pov

I walk out of the kitchen to go and find Lou. I find Meline alone in her car seat. I go and pick her up. " Where has Mummy gone baby ". I walk over to the front room window and see Lou's car is gone.

I pull my moblie from my pocket and dial Lou's number. I hear it ring over by the sofa. I see she has left it behind. She must be upset, I will give it hour and then I'm going to phone Edward and see if she is with him.

I walk back to the kitchen with Meline in my arm's and her car seat. It's a rock a tot car seat. I place her in it while, I cook tea for me and Lou.

I just hope Lou come's home, I might have over reacted a little bit when she said she wanted to go back to work.

I know she need to be working so she can keep her freedom and independence. I just hope once she calms down and, I cool off she will see that I only want what's best for our daughter.

I look at Meline and see her sleeping in her car seat she look's so beautiful and peaceful. I hope Lou get's back soon.

Lou's pov

I can't believe he wont here me out, all I want is to be able to earn my own money and be out of the house. I don't want to be living off of Vane.

I'm driving around and see that I'm not far from Vane's Father's place. I decide to go and see him for a few hour's to calm down. Mannero is so good to me.

I go up to the main entrance of the house, I park the car and lock up before going to the front door and knocking on it. I wait for the door to be answered.

When the door open's I see Mannero he look's at me shocked. " Lou why are you here all alone ". I look at him and smile weakly. " I need to talk to someone and I found myself here ".

He smile's and invite's me in. We go to a small room and sit and talk. I tell him all about the arguement, I had with Vane about me going back too work.

" Maybe you could come to an arrangement where you could work for Vane and he could pay you ". I think about what Mannero has said to me and decide I  it could work out well.

I thank Mannero for everything and, then I decide to head home to see if Vane has calmed down any while, I have been out. We hug and then I get in to my car and drive home.

Hope you enjoy, Love you all XD

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