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Will was working the editing portion of the video and I was sat on the edge of his bed, watching him quietly. I closed my eyes and tried to slow down my breathing, repeating to myself in my head you can do it, be brave. I slowly opened my eyes and said, "We should play video games someday. I'd love to beat you." He stopped what he was doing and turned toward me with a smug look on his face, "Is that so? I am up for that challenge, Bianca! How about we play right now?"

I gazed into his eyes, losing my train of thought for a moment. At that point, I lost control of myself, I was weak just staring into his eyes. I could only nod my head as a result. He quickly stood up from his desk chair and went to pull out Mario Kart 8, which was by far one of my most favorites. He started for the door, "Let's go downstairs, there's a bigger television there." I stood up and followed him downstairs. We sat on the couch and played the game. I won, of course.

Will looked at me in astonishment, "Damn! I didn't think you could beat me, gg!" I laughed, "gg, Will!" I checked my phone for the time, it was about to be seven p.m., which meant I had missed dinner and my friends must have long forgotten about me. I quickly stood up and started for the restroom, "Hey- um- I'll be right back, I just need to call my friends. They're probably worried sick about me." Will nodded and continued to play the game.

I dashed to the restroom, closing the door behind me, and called Mitchell. It took four rings before he answered his phone, "Bee, hey! Where the hell are you?" I sighed, "I'm still here, Mitchell. I need you to come pick me up or something." Over the phone, I could hear some audible laughter in the background and what sounded like music, "Yeah, I can't do that, Bee, sorry. Everyone already went home, you're going to have to ask Will for a ride home." I suddenly felt like I'd rather just run home. I hung up the phone and set it down. Looking in the mirror, I pulled my hair to the side. I sighed and reached for the doorknob but then heard some talking. I put my ear to the door.

It sounded like a girl. Oh great, probably his girlfriend. There's no way I can ask for a ride home now. I quickly opened the door and quietly tip-toed upstairs to grab my backpack. I came downstairs and, trying my best to act confident, I walked up to Will with a smile. The girl stopped talking to him and smiled, "Hi, I don't believe we've met!" Will looked at me and introduced me, "Oh, yeah, Bianca, this is my sister!" I smiled, "Nice to meet you." She returned the greeting, kindly.

I looked nervously at Will and said, "Um, hey. I need to ask you for a favor, if you don't mind." His eyes understandingly looked into mine. I spoke softly, "I would appreciate it if you could give me a ride home. My friends deserted me." He laughed a bit, but kindly said yes. I smiled.


His car was nice. A red Mustang with an amazing sound system. To be completely honest, I felt like a princess being escorted by my prince. At some point on the ride home, One Direction came on the radio. Will quickly turned it up and rolled down the windows. He shouted over the music, "I love this song!" I laughed at how childish he was acting. I slowly felt all my stress and anxiety leaving me. I started singing along and threw my hands up in the air, letting the wind blow through my hair. I noticed Will looking over at me and smiling. And that was the best night of my life.

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