Scary Things

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Courtney swallowed hard as she stared at the rather scary-looking castle style building in front of her. She held her phone tightly in her hand, as she watched the heavy wooden doors open. Revealing a dimly lit hallway. She would always remember the first time she ever stepped foot in the Council"s Chambers. Well, she didn't exactly step in, she was dragged. With a heavy wool sack over head head. The very last minutes she'd ever have as a human. She remembered the smell of must and mildew, as she was dragged helplessly down the stone hall to where the meeting was taking place. She was thrown to the ground, and that was the first time she had ever seen Duncan. 

So much, she thought, so much has changed since that night. 

Courtney began walking down the hall, passing torches that were glowing brightly. She stopped before the huge wooden doors. And raised her tan hand to knock, when the door flung open. A smirking Able stood before her. His bald head covered by a dark hood. 

"Ah, there she is. The girl I was waiting for," he said darkly. She was pushed into the room. And saw at least a dozen other new vampires around the room. She shoved her phone into her pocket and walked over to a smaller boy. He had short black hair, and gray eyes. He looked about 16. 

"Hi," she said to him. He looked at her slowly, and laughed. She creased her brows together as she watched him walk away. To join a large group of fledglings. They all glanced at her before whispering to one another. She rolled her eyes. Feeling like she was back in High School. 

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone has arrived. It's time to begin the meeting," Able's voice echoed through out the room. Courtney and the others walked over to a massive rectangle table. She sat down between a cute girl with curly red hair, and green eyes. And a dorky looking boy with a gap in his front teeth. 

"Hi!" the red head said. Making Courtney jump slightly, she turned to look at the other girl

"I'm Isabelle! But you can call me Izzy," she smiled a big smile at Courtney. Courtney nodded a little

"Alright. Hi, Izzy." she said. Izzy slowly looked around the room

"This place is pretty freaky, eh?" she said. Her Canadian accent coming through strongly. Courtney nodded

"I've been here before, though," Courtney said. Izzy's bright green eyes flashed to Courtney

"You have? I don't think I've ever met another vampire that's been in the High Council's Chambers before. That's so cool!" she said.  "Well, give or take the fact that I was turned only a few weeks ago," 

"Izzy, I'm sure this poor girl has no interest in learning you life story," the dorky boy said. Courtney looked at him. He smiled a gap-toothed smile

"Hi, I'm Cody," he said, and stuck his hand out. Courtney smiled a little and shook it. 

"I feel like we've all been called into the Principal's office." Cody joked "Only.. If the Principal's office was a scary looking castle with a terrible smell of decay. I mean seriously, do these guys ever dust?" 

Courtney covered her mouth and giggled a little. 

"I never really got called into the Principal's office in High School," Courtney said with a shrug. Cody smirked at her

"Of course you didn't. You're a good girl," he teased. Izzy leaned over to them

"Sh! It's starting!" she whispered loudly. Courtney and the rest of the vampires slowly looked up as the Council members began walking into the room. 

Courtney only recognized Able. He was in the lead, and right behind him were 2 very eye-catching vampires. One was a girl, with long raven hair that hung down straight to her waist. Her black eyes were narrowed to slits, and she wasn't exactly good looking. But very stunning. The man next to her was devilishly handsome. With deep tanned skin, and a cascade of soft brown hair around his face. He had piercing green eyes, and a small patch of hair on his chin. He was very muscular, with strange scrolling tattoos on his arms. Much like the ones Duncan has. 

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