You're The Air I Breathe

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"You left  him there?!" Gwen's voice seethed at Courtney once she had finished explaining what had just gone down at the High Council's Chambers. 

Courtney flinched a little at the other vampire's harsh tone "Gwen, I had to! They insisted!" 

"I'm just glad you're okay," Duncan breathed into her hair, as he nuzzled the top of her head. 

"Yeah," Gwen growled "She's perfectly fine, while Trent is there all alone with them! Who knows what they could do to him!"

"He won't be harmed," Sebastian said, stepping into the conversation "As long has the Council is still clueless about our whole plan, they won't hurt him. Right now, he's just staying there to be safe. They're probably keeping him secure in a cell in the basement. To keep him safe," 

Gwen raised a brow "How would you know that? What if they already know about us, and are just playing us like a fucking game of chess!" Gwen ran a shaky hand through her short hair. Blowing out a breath, slowly her eyes looked at Courtney. And narrowed to slits.

"This is all your fault," Gwen sneered. Courtney whimpered a little, scared of the girl's angered expression. She backed up a little, into Duncan. Who wrapped an arm around her frame. 

"Gwen-" Courtney tried, but Gwen growled at her

"If he doesn't make it out of there alive, I can guarantee you'll be the next one dead-"

What happened next shocked the entire room into silence. 

Upon hearing Gwen's threat, Duncan stiffened. And moved so quickly Courtney could barely blink. He rushed forward and slammed Gwen against the wall of the dinning room. His huge hand locked around her throat. His teal eyes darkened, making him look menacing. He snarled at her, his fangs long and sharp. 

"I've never been tempted to hurt you before, Gwen," he hissed at the shorter girl. Who was staring up at him, her charcoal eyes wide. He slowly leaned forward, and hissed into her ear

"But if you ever  threaten her again, I'll be sure you'll be withering in pain on the floor," 

Duncan let her go, and she sagged against the wall, her pale hand slowly rubbing her sore neck. She swallowed hard, and glared at Duncan as he backed away slowly.  

Courtney stared, wide eyed at her mate. Completely shocked that he had just threatened the only other person he had ever showed warmth to, besides her. 

Sebastian had always warned her, that when a male vampire finds a mate, he becomes dangerously protective. She hadn't exactly believed him until now.

Sebastian slowly stepped forward, his lean hands raised "Alright. That's enough drama for the evening. Everyone head out, and cool down. We all need level heads in this." he said, nodding towards Gwen. Who left without a word, quickly leaving the dinning room and heading upstairs to her room. Bridgette slowly walked over and placed a hand on Courtney's shoulder. The two shared a silent look, before the blonde left slowly. 

Eventually the room cleared out, and only Courtney and Duncan stood in the dinning room. Duncan was looking at her, his eyes locked on her, as she stared every where but at him

"I really wish you'd stop thinking I'm some sort of defenseless creature who always needs to be looked over and protected," she mumbled. She heard him sigh heavily, and she looked up at him. 

Only to yelp a little when she saw he was now standing right in front of her. 

"Believe me," he breathed "The last thing I'd ever call you is defenseless. I saw how you took down your own Father to save me that night. I know just how strong you really are,"

"So why do you always act like I can't handle myself?" she asked, Duncan sighed and slowly rubbed his arms. 

"I don't know... It's just... Whenever you're in some sort of danger, it's like a switch gets thrown in my mind. And I lose all senses other than an overwhelming urge to protect you. No matter the cost. It's all I can think about. It takes over and stays in control until I know you're okay again." Duncan said, shaking his head. He let out a laugh. But there was no humor behind it

"I mean, I nearly just ripped my best friend's head off over you," he said. And suddenly he pulled her close, so her body was flush up against his huge one. The closeness calmed her, and she melted against him.

"Speaking of which," she mumbled against his chest "You should probably apologize for that,"

"I will later, I just want to hold you right now," he said into her hair. She knew he was breathing in her scent of clean cotton. As he did, his whole body seemed to relax. Into an ease. 

Courtney closed her eyes. As an overwhelming feeling of happiness surged through her body. 

Just knowing that she was the center of his world, knowing that she was his reason for being. Knowing that she was the air he breathed, and the water he drank. That he'd burn down the world, just so he could pick her out of the ashes. It made her so happy.

It also made her terrified. Terrified beyond belief. 

Because she knew, that if anything were to ever happen to her... God...

That really would be the end of him. 

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