A Beautiful Memory

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Courtney slipped out of Gwen's room with a smile on her face. She felt content with the progress she was making with the other vampire. Maybe they were actually starting to become friends?

Their relationship had a long way to go, however. It wasn't exactly smooth sailing in Gwortney world just yet.

But Courtney was willing to work on that, as long as Gwen was willing too. 

Courtney walked down the hall of statues, she caught a whiff of Duncan's musky scent down the hall in Sebastian's office. The doors were closed, which means they were probably having a private meeting with the rest of the warriors. 

Courtney stood outside the door and sighed a little, feeling slightly useless. She wished she could be on the other side of those doors with everyone else. Be part of the warriors. But she just wasn't there yet. Her training was in serious need of help.

That's the one thing that made Courtney so uncomfortable being in the Compound. Everyone had their roles, their duties, their strengths in this place. Everyone knew exactly where they belonged. Everything was so neatly ordered all the time. 

Courtney would be lying if she said she didn't feel ignored. 

Gee, it wasn't like she killed her own father to save Duncan or anything. 

That seemed to always slip past the warriors, and it made Courtney itch with anger. She was sure she had proved her place in this battle, but every time she tried to make herself known, she was shot down. Looked down upon like she was a child.

Courtney felt like she was back in High School.

"But you're not in High School anymore, Courtney. You're a vampire for crying out loud. An orphan, a mated vampire who lives off of blood and sex," she sighed to herself. Shaking herself out of her thoughts. 

Courtney needed to stop thinking about her old life. The life she left behind. Her human life.

The life that was ripped away from her.

But just think, if that night never happened, you would have never met Duncan. Fallen in love with a strong, handsome vampire warrior who would burn down the world so he could dig you out of the ashes. 

Everything always seemed to revolve around that teal-eyed vampire who stole her heart and vowed to lay his life on the line for her's. Duncan was her world. He was her soul, the very heart inside of her chest. And she was his. 

They belonged to each other. With each other. All the stars could align and she would know, that those stars would always point to him. 

Courtney slowly turned away from the office doors and picked up her walking again. Her combat boots making light footsteps on the floor as she went. She smiled to herself when her mind slowly started going back to their Mating Ceremony. 

"Are you ready for this?" Bridgette whispered to a flustered Courtney. She was standing in the parlor of the compound, her medium length brown hair was curled slightly, she wore a knee length dark red dress. She was barefoot, Bridgette had said that it was tradition for the mated female to be barefooted for the ceremony. Courtney wasn't sure why, but she didn't question.

"I-I think so," Courtney stuttered. Bridgette gently placed her hands on Courtney's shoulders, her kind olive eyes looking into Courtney's worried onyx ones

"Out of all my years of walking on this earth, I can honestly say I've never seen a love more strong than what you and Duncan share. And I've been around for a long time. This kind of love happens once in a lifetime, it's.. Special," Bridgette said softly. Courtney blinked a little

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