Bad Time

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Frisks Pov
First day at school with monsters here now. I've went to this school last year and honestly I'm a bit scared for the monsters not every human is nice.
"Frisk come down here, it time for school." Toriel yelled up to your room.
"Give me a sec goat mom!" I yelled back. I was looking for my faded ribbon to tie my hair back during dance class. I decided on wearing my Royal purple t-shirt that said 'love not hate' on the front in light blue colors, jean shorts, and some slip on shoes I can change out of during dance.
"C'mon Frisk we don't have all day!" I heard Chara yell. I slid down the railing and joined my siblings Asriel and Chara as Toriel drove us to school.
"Where's dad?" Asriel asked
"He had to go to work at the mall." Toriel responded. As we reached the school I saw a ton of monsters there. I got out of the car as Asriel and Chara ran off else where and Tori left to get ready for homeroom. Suddenly, I felt hand push me forward causing me to loose my balance, and fall.
"Well, well, look who it is, thought we wouldn't see your ugly face after what happened last year," the school bully Todd said mockingly. I felt someone begin to help me up as I heard someone yelling behind me.
"The hell is your problem man. Can't you see she doesn't like it, she didn't do anything to you."I heard a boy calmly say to Todd while a fish looking lady help me stand.
"Mind your own business ya freak before you end up like her," Todd relied angrily. I finally turned around only to see the person confronting Todd was wearing a midnight blue sweatshirt, with black sweatpants on, and converse. I couldn't see his face because of his hood but I could tell he was serious.
       "If I see something like this, it's my business, now tell me do you want to have a bad time, because of you do keep acting this way." The hooded teen threatened. I look at the fish lady who had red hair, blue scales, an eyepatch, a black t-shirt with the words 'sexy fish' on it (lol) and teal leggings.
       "Ya alright punk? That guys a douche for acting that way." The fish said.
       "I-I'm alright, Todd acts like this all the time, I'm just surprised someone actually scared him off," I said nonchalant. The fish looked at me weirdly.
       "So your tellin' me that that punk; bullies you and other people often," she said slightly annoyed. I just shrugged and looked over to the hooded teen that began to walk away.
       "That's Sans, he doesn't talk much with people he doesn't know." The fish lady said.
Suddenly a yellow Dino in a lab coat came running over.
       "U-undyne, S-Sans just told me what happened, I-Is everything okay," the small Dino said
       "Everything's fine Alphys, this is the girl that was getting bullied," Undyne said.
       "O-oh are you a-alright?" Alphys asked stuttering.
       "I'm fine, my name is Frisk btw." I said kindly. They smiled at me Undyne showing her sharp teeth, which may or may not have made me a lil anxious.
      "Well I'm Undyne that's Alphys, hey how old are you," Undyne asked.
      "I'm 16." I said
      "Aw dang we're not in the same homeroom then, but your probably with Papyrus though and Mettaton." Undyne said.
       "Papyrus?" I asked
       "S-Sans y-younger brother by a year, h-he's really open with everyone, but when you see him you'll I-instantly want to be his friend, a-and Mettaton is a really popular star from the underground you can't miss him. ."  Alphys said. Suddenly the bell rang telling us to go to homeroom and I said my goodbyes to Alphys and Undyne. As I enter homeroom I saw my two siblings and a couple of monsters. Toriel began role call, and told us as our names were called to introduce ourselves. When I heard my name called I got a little nervous.
        "H-Hey I'm Frisk I love Royal purple and dance." I said as calmly as possible. Then sat down. A little later in role call I heard the name Papyrus and a tall skeleton stood up.
        "HELLO MONSTERS AND HUMANS, I AM THS GREAT PAPYRUS, BUT YOU COULD JUST CALL ME PAPYRUS I LOVE PUZZLES AND SPEGETTI!" Papyrus yelled enthusiastically. I smiled at him, the two girls were right about me wanting to be his friend. He waved back then sat down. Then I heard 'Mettaton' and a fabulous robot stood up wearing a pink belly shirt and black leggings (legs so hawt you can fry an egg) It might of been a she, or maybe it's a he, i don't actually know! It flicked it's hair sassily and began talking.
"I'm Mettaton, I'm the star of the underground and love anything fabulous, and before you ask I like to think of myself as a girl," she said sassily, that cleared things up. Soon homeroom was over and the bell rang, that's when Mettaton and Papyrus approached me.
"Oh same here darling, what was your name again." Mettaton said.
"Uh, my name is Frisk and sure I'll be friends with you, btw what class do you have next, I have dance." I said joyfully.
"Same with me and Papi." Mettaton said. We walked to class together and had to get changed. I put a lilac purple top on along with black leggings. I put on my pink tutu and ballet shoes, and finally tied my hair back with my ribbon. As I walked out of the dressing room I saw a group of students surrounding a kid in the middle of the room dancing. Oh yeah I forgot first few days of school everyone does a solo dance. This guy was doing hip hop and it looked like the hooded guy from earlier, Sans I think.
Alphys and Undyne signaled me over to where they were with Papyrus and Mettaton. We watched as Sans dance perfectly, I never took my eyes off of him it was amazing.
Video bellow is of sans dance I don't own the video but it's called animation training fanart for dancetale.

He soon completed his amazing dance and everyone was clapping.
"BROTHER THAT WAS SO GOOD!" Yelled Papyrus who was now wearing a tux like thing. Sans began walking towards our little group and admittedly I felt a little intimidated.
He held his hand out in front of me and I still couldn't see his face.
"Hey pal, don't you know how to greet a new friend?" The teen said, anxiously I grabbed his hand only to get ppppffffttttt
"Ah the whoop Cushion in the hand prank, never gets old." He took off his hood to reveal a laughing skeleton. I giggled at the prank and soon felt comfortable with the lovable comedian.
"Haha, that one really tickled my funny bone," I replied containing a laugh. He burst up into laughter after my horrible pun.
"Oh that was really humerous if ya ask me." He laughed. Before I could tell another one Papyrus intervened
"NOPE,NOPE,NOPE NO MORE PUNS!" Papyrus said annoyed. I giggled and looked at Sans who nodded at me smiling.
"Aww but papyrus-"
"I've got,"
"A Skeleton left," I said giggling as Papyrus stomped his foot and Sans laughed uncontrollably.
"SANS YOU BROKE THE HUMAN!" Papyrus yelled at his brother, causing me to go into a uncontrollable fit of giggles.
But this moment was ruined when the dance teacher called my name to dance on the floor by myself, which would have been fine if I didn't get stage fright.

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