The Unthinkable

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Lol trying to put in more story is hard when you already know whats coming next but you still need the puzzle pieces to put it together.


Frisks Pov

Waking up and being met with the sad faces of the skeletons isn't the best thing to wake up to. They kept looking at me expectantly, like I was suppose to be doing something. I walked ahead of them leaving them the second we got to school to join my friends. Every so often I'd see the worried glances of... them. It was getting a little amusing honestly, and I couldn't help but giggle when Undyne glared at Todd, and thought I wouldn't notice.

I left my newly found friends and entered homeroom. Finally Goat Mom was back to teaching and we didn't have another substitute, but I did notice Papyrus and Mettaton leaving her desk when I walked in, sending an evil grin towards them.

"Frisk? Can I talk to you?" Toriel asked like the second I turned around. I rolled my eyes before turning towards her.

"Yeah of course!" I said cheerfully.

"Mettaton and Papyrus said they have some... concerns about your choices as of recent." Toriel said kindly.

"Oh? I wouldn't know what they're talking about." I said innocently.

"You sure? They had said that you might be falling into the wrong crowd," she said seriously. I did a thinking face.

"I don't think so...? I mean unless they consider themselves as the wrong crowd then...?" I said trailing off.

"All right my child, as long as you feel that way, you can return to your seat." Toriel said. I gave her a quick hug and a sweet smile.

"Thanks for your concern Goat Mom," I said kindly. She nodded and I walked back over to my desk. I cannot believe I got away with that. I just lied to her face.


I grabbed my bag walking over to dance class, and once again being grabbed gently by an arm in the hallway. I turned around to see Mettaton and Papyrus and I looked at them boredly.

"Frisk, Darling, can we please talk about this," Mettaton pleaded

"Whats there to talk about?" I said.

"A LOT! FRISK YOUR WORRYING ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!" Papyrus said a mix of sadness and.... anger?

"What friends?" I said smirking and turning around and walking over to dance class, changing and coming back out.

"Ok kids! get with your groups to practice, and use the studio you used last time." The creepy techer said. I followed Todd into the other room. Once again repeating what I did the day before and going to stretch.

"Oh crap, I forgot the CD in the locker room," Todd said.

"Well go get it stupid," I said jokingly.

"Yeah yeah yeah Princess," Todd said walking out and leaving me and Sans in the room alone.

"Kid, are you really sure about this?" Sans asked.

"I have no idea what your talking about," I said playing dumb.

"Look kid, we all really care about you, we don't want to see you plummet." The once joking skeleton said seriously.

"Sans, can we please stop talking about this." I said as my phone rang in the background. Looking at the caller ID I saw Toriel's number and picked up.

"Frisk! We have a problem!" She yelled into the phone. "I just got a phone call from the hospital! Your father just became unstable and is in critical condition, I'm going to the car right now, be fast!" Toriel rushed. My eyes widened and I grabbed my bag almost instantly. I turned over to Sans.

"Look I have to go! you two practice! Mark the lifts!" I yelled as I raced out of the room leaving him confused and worried. I passed the teacher who looked at me in astonishment as I left the classroom with no explanation. I ran out of the school rushing to the parking lot and getting into the car where I saw Chara sitting in the front already.

Timeskip to after they found out Asgore's state and Frisk is back home*

I got back home around 5pm, we weren't allowed to see him. I opened the door to see the skeletons on the couch, I had told Toriel that I would inform them of what happened.

"Frisk... what happened why'd you leave school like that?" Sans asked standing up from the couch. I looked at him hiding my emotions, though inside I once again wanted to scream and cry conceal don't feel. (No frozen reference there, no seriously)

"Uhh, my dad is in critical condition as of recent, we weren't able to see him," I said with a weird expression on my face.

"Frisk.. are you okay." He asked. I nodded and smiled

"Yeah, he'll be better soon!" I said trying to convince myself more than him Of course I'm not okay. " Now if you's mind I'm going to make something to eat." I said beginning to walk to the kitchen.

"Frisk! We haven't seen you all day, you tell us your father got worse and now your saying your fine!? What's wrong with you Frisk!" Sans yelled in anger.

"What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with you!  . You tell me you like me and then you start chatting up some other girl?!Your either happy or seriousand I can never read you because of that!Your always on and off like a switch!" I said.

"Think over that last sentence. Remind you of anybody? That's right yourself Frisk, and if your not going to talk to me then I'm leaving. C'mon Paps." Sans said angrily. I stood in place as I watched them leave. Alone again.... First my real parents, then my brother and father, and then my friends? I sat down in the middle of the now empty room and screamed into a pillow tears streaming down my face.

"What is wrong with me?" I said to myself and cried myself to sleep.


Hey guys! Like the twist? It's like Jack Black once said as R.L Stein, "There's a beginning, a middle, and a twist." Lol Hope you enjoyed!

-Winds out

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