The Weekend+TruthorDare

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Frisk's Pov
      I woke up the next morning and the first thought that came to mine, Sans. Omg I can't believe I kissed him, yeah it was a cheek kiss, but still! I've never used these lips for kissing, and I mean that! I haven't even kissed my brother or my dad.
      I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I saw a text from the group chat (#squad lol) and it was from Undyne.
(U-Undyne F-Frisk P- Papyrus A-Alphys M-Mettaton)
U- yo punks anyone wanna hang out
A- Sure Undyne
M-I can come too😍❤️💋
U-God Mettaton no more emojis for u
F-I'll come where r we meeting up?
M-You can't stop what can't be stopped darling!👑🌹😜
U- We'll meet up by the park at 1:00 AND METTATON STOP WITH THE STINKING EMOJIS.
F- ttyl I gtg get rdy
*text end*
      "Mom, Dad I'm going out with friends at one. That okay?!" I yelled down to my parents.
      "That's fine my child!" Toriel yelled back up. I got my weekend clothes on and brushed my hair.(too lazy too explain what she's wearing so look at the pic at the top.


       As I was walking over to the park I got cold feet. What if Sans brought up what happened last night? What would I say?
       I sighed, too late to go back now the park was across the street. I walked into the large park (it's not a playground) and realized I was kinda early I laid down on one of the benches
and stared up at the sky. That's when someone decided it was funny to poke me in the side, and me being ticklish I flinched away.
"HELLO HUMAN, I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE DEAD SO I POKED YOU!" Papyrus yelled. I looked up and saw Papyrus staring back at me.
"Hi Papyrus, I'm not dead but I'd appreciate if you didn't poke me again," I giggle
"Why are you ticklish," I heard Undyne say fro behind the bench. I looked over and saw her smiling evilly.
"Uh uh no!" I yelled jumping off the bench and moving back slowly.
"DONT WORRY UNDYNE I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL ASSIST YOU NYEH HEH HEH," Papyrus yelled holding me in front of him towards Undyne.
"W-wait Papyrus! Put me down!" I yelled
"Yea put her down so I can keep her from getting out of your grasp." Sans said from behind Papyrus. Suddenly I was lifted into the air without Papyrus holding me.
"Wait what?!" I yelled looking around seeing that Sans was the one responsible. "Sans! Put me down!" I yeld as he kept me in place.
"Gotcha now punk!" I heard Undyne yell before I was tinkled half to death.
"Haha put haha me ha d-down U-Undyne st-stahp!" I laughed thrashing in the air. "Woah!" Sans had stopped holding me and just let me drop to the ground. Though he thought it was funny to catch me again right before I hit the floor and drop me again repeating this cycle.
"Sans!" I yelled and crossed my arms starting to get dissy. Everyone was laughing along with him.
"Oh darling you brought this on yourself," Mettaton laughed suddenly here with Alphys.
"G-geez I would hate to be you frisk." Alphys stuttered.
"Sans! Put me down I'm getting dissy!" I yelled.
"You asked for it," he said evilly.
"Wait Sans no!" I yelled as he picked me up higher in the air and dropped me and I closed my eyes. But I didn't hit floor.
"Kid ya got to be more specific," I heard Sans say. I opened my eyes to see Sans literally carrying me, and not with magic. He put me down as I blushed and stepped away.
"Let's not do that again shall we?" I said scratching the back of my head and smiling.
"No promises," Sans replied
"Hey!" I yelled back as we all started walking around the park.
It was a really nice park, nice flourished areas, a fountain, a stream with a bridge going over it, even a duck pond. There was even a stage and snack stand at the side for concerts or dancing and karaoke.
My friends and I laid down a picnic blanket and tryed to figure out what to do.
"W-why don't we play truth or dare" Alphys asked. I had a little bit of a worried expression on my face along with surprise.
"Interesting you suggest that Alphys," I said
"W-well things like this always happens in my animes. That explains it.
"Sure," everyone decided.
"Frisk truth or dare," Undyne asked
"Truth," I said sticking out my tongue and the rolling my eyes when she called me a wuss.
"Have you... Kissed a boy," Undyne asked smirking
"Cheek or lips?" I asked blushing
"Doesn't matter, it just can't be a sibling."
"Then yea,"
"Wait on the cheek or lips?" Alphys asked
"That's a second question I can't answer that," I said smiling.
"Mettaton truth or dare," I asked
"Dare *sassy hair flip*" Mettaton said
"I dare you to flirt with Papyrus." I said watching as Papyrus blushed and Mettaton smiled saying it was easy. Then for the next few minutes we all watched as Papyrus got more and more uncomfortable and Mettaton got more and more comfortable.
"Okay Mettaton ask someone," Undyne demanded.
"Alright, alright, Alphys dear, truth or dare," Mettaton asked moving away from Papyrus
" t-truth," she responded
"If you had to choose would you choose anime or science?" Mettaton said wiggling her eyebrows.
"U-umm I'd have to say a-anime science is just something I learn t-to create things," Alphys said.
"U-umm U-Undyne truth or dare?" Alphys asked
"Dare!" Undyne yelled.
"I-i dare you to use your spears and speak in a native language while jumping up and down." Alphys said randomly and I had to giggle as Undyne did that.
"Sans truth or dare," Undyne sat while going to sit down.
"Dare," Sans said. Undyne smirked evilly
"I dare you to kiss Frisk,"
"Woah woah woah , what?" I asked surprised. Sans begin blushing a light blue and scratched the back of his head.
"Uh uh, Frisk?" Sans said looking at me causing me to blush and glare at Undyne who was laughing uncontrollably. I looked down as he came closer. It's just a dare it means nothing right? I repeated in my head as we were inches apart. I sighed and closed my eyes. You would think that do to his lack of lips it'd be weird, but a kiss is a kiss. We slowly parted and I was blushing furiously and looked down.
"S-sorry," I said to Sans who just nodded in embarrassment. As everyone was laughing I heard the distant sound of sirens and had to wonder what was going on.
"Hmm I wonder what the sirens are going to," I said as everyone stopped.
"Probably a little think like a neighbor dispute or something," Undyne said. That's when my phone rang.
"Umm one sec guys," I picked up the phone and stood up walking just a few steps away. I answered and that's when it happened, one of the most scariest things in my life happened as the voice on the other line began to speak.

Hey guys, left ya off on a cliffhanger didn't I? Hehe. Anyways hoped u enjoyed the truth or dare action *nudge nudge* hehe. See ya guys soon

-winds out

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