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Warning intense blushing in this chapter if you Fangirl easily then I suggest you get your pillow, lets begin*
Frisk's Pov
       "OOH YOU CAN DO IT HUMAN!" Papyrus cheered.
       "Yeah, show us watcha got," Sans said. I nodded and walked to the front of the class slightly anxious. I was fine dancing in front of 3 or 4 maybe even 5 people but a large group of people I freak out.
       I put the music disc in the stereo and get into position I got more comfortable as the dance led on.
Frisk's dance, I do not own this video it's called skinny love ballet dance

       As I'm about to end my dance I feel someone bump into me from behind once again causing me to fall.
       "Ow my foot." I had landed a little hard on it and probably bruised my ankle. I heard laughter from behind me and saw Todd once again. Oh no he's in my dance class, this is going to be such hell. The group ran over to me and once again Sans confronted Todd.
     "What I saw before, Todd," Sans spat his name out angrily. Todd looked slightly scared but tryed to play it off.
     "I just 'fell'" he said laughing anxiously.
     "B.S. Now leave her alone." Sans threatened.
     "HUMAN ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Papyrus asked anxiously. Sans came over and helped me up careful of my foot.
      "I'm fine Papyrus, my foot is just hurting a little that's all," I said trying to play it off as a little bruise yet I think I sprained my ankle. I smiled up at him, probably the fakest smile I've ever done.
       "You mean Papi to help," Sans chuckles and Papyrus just groaned and walked away. I mustered up a fake laugh, honestly my ankle really hurts and I was worried I wouldn't be able to dance for a while.
       "Yo teach is it alright if I take her to the nurse to get her foot checked out?" Sans asked. The teacher nodded then scolded Todd. As we left the room, Sans carrying me, he looked at me, sighed then looked away.
      "That was the fakest laugh I have ever heard, if it hurts that bad you could say something," Sans said suddenly. I looked down and blushed, embarrassed that he knew what was going on.
      "S-sorry I just didn't want to worry anyone." I said then sighed.
      "Don't be scared you'll be fine a sprained ankle will only take a couple days to heal but keep off of it." Sans said all of the sudden serious. I just stared at him, he really intrigues me. He can be a lovable comedian that everyone want to be around, but he can also be serious and threatening. You never know what he'll do next but honestly I don't care, it's interesting to watch.
        "Hey uh kid is there something on my face?" Sans asked, and I realized I was still staring and looked away blushing, I heard his laugh and couldn't help but blush more.
        The nurse confirmed it was a sprained ankle and honestly I was a little upset. The nurse had given me and Sans a pass to our next class and we parted ways after he invited me to sit with him and his friends at lunch.

Timeskip after 4 class periods now it's lunch*

        As I looked around the large cafeteria I saw the group sitting at a table at the far end of the cafeteria, but where was Papyrus? Suddenly I was picked up and put on the shoulders of the tall skeleton who was laughing.
       "NYEH HEH HEH! HUMAN I WILL ESCORT YOU TO OUR TABLE," Papyrus yelled, as I silently screamed inside . We arrived at the table and by the time I was on the the ground I was literally on the ground. I just laid there after Papyrus put me down.
       "Dang kid I guess Papyrus really rattled your bones there huh?" Sans said chuckling. I looked up and saw Sans in his seat smiling down at me and couldn't help but giggle. He reached out his hand to help me up and I accepted his grip firm but kind. I sat in the empty seat across from Sans and sat in between Undyne and Mettaton. They both looked over at me in sinc and smiled evilly at me.
       "Uhh suddenly I don't feel very comfortable." I said looking back and forth between the two.
       "Aww Darling you have a crush don't you," Mettaton whispered in my ear. I immediately started blushing.
       "W-what are you talking about!" I said covering my face.
       "Don't try to hide it it's so obvious." Undyne whispered in my other ear. This caused me to blush even more.
       "W-what!" I said embarrassed.
       "Aww this is sooo cute!" Mettaton yelled teasingly.
        "Stahp it!" I yelled playfully they just laughed.
       "UH HUMAN ARE YOU ALRIGHT YOUR FACE IS RED?" Papyrus asked causing me to turn a new shade of pink.
       "Papyrus!" I yelled embarrassed that he said it out loud.
       "You do seem kinda red there kid," Sans said. I tried to cover my face even more while Undyne and Mettaton were laughing hysterically.
       "I-i don't even know what you two mean!" I suddenly yelled at Undyne and Mettaton who were practically crying from laughter.
       "Aww don't play dumb sweetheart!" Mettaton said.
       "I'm not!" I yelled still blushing. I huffed and crossed my arms. Sans looked at me sideways.
       "You shouldn't pout that's not a good look on ya." He said causing you to become as red as a tomato making him laugh as well.
        "Yo tomato face you would love these." I heard a voice say before a tomato literally hit me and splattered all over my clothes. I gasped and stood up and the lunch room when silent, all eyes on me.

That's when it started, the laughter.

        I froze when I heard it on top of that Todd wasn't the only one laughing and for once it broke my heart. I didn't know what to do so I ran, and cried, I heard someone call my name but ignored it. Todd does a lot of crap to me but now he had the entire school laughing at me. I ran out of the lunch room and into the girls bathroom and ran into a stall and locked it and just cried hoping to god no one followed.

Hey guys! That's chapter 2 and in my opinion it was quite good. I really feel for Frisk. Anyways I hope you really enjoyed this chapter!

-winds out

Dancetale - The Dance of Monsters (Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now