chapter 1

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Tiana's POV:

"Ringgg" my alarm started ringing which just woke me up. "Urggg" I groaned & shut off the alarm. "Ringgg" my other alarm started buzzing. I shut that off too. "Riinngggg", well that's my third alarm. "Urrgggggg, shut the fuck up" I groaned but finally woke up. I knew this would happen hence three alarms.

I got off my bed & walked towards my bathroom to freshen up. After bathing, I wrapped myself in a black fluffy towel. I walked towards my closet to find a decent clothing for today. Well, today was another day of my school. I chose a dark blue shirt with black shorts with a jacket over it and my black flats. I know I'm nerd at school because of big glasses I wear and always a book in hand, plus all the A+ I get, people consider me in nerds. Well I don't have any problem in that as I don't want to get noticed too much, you know because no one should know about me being "The Evil". Hence I'm happy being a nerd.

I applied makeup, which include only lip gloss because I like my lips glossed. Satisfied by my appearance, I make my way towards my car, grabbing an apple on the way from kitchen. After 15-20 mins I reached my school and parked my car in parking lot and walked towards my locker.

"Hey Tia" my friend, Anna, waved coming towards me. "Hii, where's Monika?" I asked her. Monika is my another friend. They both are different like Anna is not a nerd but she is average while Monika is sort of famous but still is our friend. " I don't know, maybe getting some in janitors" she said and winked. " Eww, gross". We both laughed and started making our way towards our first class, which is same for all three of us. Our first class was maths. We're sitting in the middle waiting for our best friend's arrival because our teacher will be here soon. "Quite everyone" our teacher, Mrs. Smith said. "Today we are going to start equations. Open page 120" she started blabbering about equations, but our mind was on Monika. Suddenly the door burst open & there stood our best friend Monika, with her hair all out of the place, lipstick smeared, it seems she just ran out of a heavy makeout session. "I'm so sorry Mrs Smith, my cat died so I got little late." Everyone can see through her lie. Even Mrs Smith, but as a good teacher, she let it go. "Detention next time, now go and sit" she said while glaring at her. "I told you, she's must be in janitor's" Anna smirked towards Monika. She was all red from embarrassment. "You really got some in janitor's,didn't you?" Anna asked her. "Shut up Anna" she murmured and sat beside me. "But really, everyone can see that you just ran off from a makeout session, even Mrs Smith." I said while smirking at her. "Shut the fuck up Tia" she glared but blushed nonetheless. Rest of the time gone quickly.

We were now at cafeteria, eating our lunch peacefully." You know Evil won again yesterday, though her opponent was like hippopotamus!" Monika said. I started coughing furiously as I was eating, because they don't know about me being "The Evil". "How do you know that?" I asked her. "You know Cameron?" She asked. "Yeah" I mean who does not know the bad boys ? He was one of the bad boy from four of them. There's Blake, Cameron, Aiden and Auden. Blake Ryder is sort of leader of their group. I mean of course, he's so hot! With forest green eyes, brown-golden hair, high cheekbones , everything. He's just perfect. Every girl in our school had slept with him and the one who didn't are planning to. He is seen with different girl everyday. He uses them like tissue! Still every girl want him. Phew! He's hot I know but if you know that he is going to use you then why to sleep with him? In the end he is gonna break your heart, then why take a risk?

"But what does it has to do with Cameron?" I asked her. "Well, I'm seeing him for now" she said. "What" me & Anna screeched simultaneously at her. I mean whole school knows that all of them are manwhores. But we can understand as our Monika is also sort of womenwhore.! Not really, she has trust problem, so she just sleep and that's all. No strings attached..! "Geez, guyz no need to over react, its just a fling nothing else." She said with the roll of her eyes. "Okay" we said together.

We finished our lunch and were discussing our next lectures when I bumped on something. Or say someone. And, my friends, that someone was no other than the Blake Ryder.

I know its a boring chapter and short too, but still give it a chance please?
It'll get better after 3 4 chapters



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