chapter 3

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Zayn Malik as Blake Ryder

Tiana's POV:

Today was Friday. Today I've another fight at the bar. And here I was still in school , sitting in cafeteria, stuffing my mouth with burger. I know its not so healthy but hey, I love it too much. I love everything which includes cheese and mayonese. My friends were chatting non-stop but my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking about today's, no, tonight's fight. Suddenly the chattering of my friends stopped. I glanced them but they were staring behind me. "What? Why are you staring behind me like there is a ghost?" I asked them. Someone cleared their throat. The voice came from behind me. I quickly turned to came face to face with Blake Ryder. He was staring me like I was a fresh meat in front of a tiger. "Hey babe. How's you doing?" His friend, Cameron I think, asked to Monika. "Fine, but u have to arrive to ruin it" Anna muttered. Monika glared at her. Well she was not fully wrong. "Now that you are here, I'm awesome." Monika cheerfully said. And while all these conversion, Blake was staring me. Once I caught him staring and he smirked, like really smirked! The guts of the boy. I controlled myself from lashing. I just ignored him but I think he had different thing in his mind. He sat beside me while all of his friends sat with us. God! Why? Now he was full on staring me, burning holes on my head. "What?" I asked getting irritated by his staring. He Smirked again. Does this guy do anything else other than smirking? Suddenly his hand was on my knees, and no one can see this because of the big table in between us. He started rubbing his hand my knees making his way upwards. I swatted his away. Not after a minute his hand was again on my thighs this time. I was getting furious but I can't let them know. They'll think something else. And like before, his hand was reaching upwards caressing my mid-thigh. I was both furious and may I say, turned-on a little bit. And the smirk on his face tells me that he knew it too. But I was too mighty to let him win. So I did the most normal thing anyone would've done. I pinched his hand. And within a second his hand was removed with a little hiss of pain from his mouth. Now, all the attention was on him. "Umm.. I.. I.. I Burned my mouth.. Yeah.!!" He said to no one in particular. "From coke?" His friend Aiden asked with bewilderment. " yeah.. I mean it was too cold.. So I sort of burned my tongue from ice. You know like.. Too cold yeah..!" He replied. I wanted to laugh but I kept my mouth shut. I know better to keep quit. He gave me a hateful glare, but his eyes held something else, like amusement? I don't know. May be because I did such a stupid thing. "I have gym now. Gotta go.. Bye guys" I said and left for my gym. Its not like I don't like gym. I love it. But as I was a nerd people like to think it'll be the last thing I'll like..


Finally the school was over. I should hurry as I've a fight tonight. And there is no way I'd want to lose. So I must rest at least 2 hours. N then practice 3 hours. The fight will start after 10 pm. So I've a lot of time to do all the things I want as its 5pm now.

After sleeping & practicing I was ready to kick anyone's ass tonight. I reached the bar and started getting ready, which includes getting changed in black sports bra n black shorts and my mask. The announcer was now going to announce my name so I made my way there. "And now we have our undefeated fighter, the Evil." He shouted while everyone broke out in cheers. My opponent seems like he's fighting for the first time. Well, he looked like a scared cat. It will b easy fight today then I must say. I waited for him to make a move on me, which he did eventually. He tried to punch me and I skillfully grabbed his arm and punched him straight on his nose with satisfying sound of crack of the bones. And you know what the funny thing was? He fainted right there, with just a single punch. I mean who allowed him to fight when clearly he can't. The crowed roared and I was announced as winner. I took my money and was making my way towards my room when someone caught my hand. I knew it must be a boy wanted to impress me or anything so I did the first thing anyone could've done. I punched him straight on his stomach and he doubled in pain. But imagine the horror of who he was? He was my so called friend who tried to feel me at lunch today. Yeah, you guessed right. He was none other than Blake Ryder.

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