Chapter 4

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Blake's POV :

"Man I'm so excited" Cameron gushed like a girl. Well I'm kind of excited too for tonight's fight of Evil. Tonight I'm gonna make a move on her. I'll talk to her and like other girls, she'll definitely fall for my charms. After all, I'm the Blake Ryder. Just one night of fun, I know that she'll be fucking good in bed. Wild, like the fighter she is. And I like my girls wild.

As we entered the bar, there were fighters already fighting. Which means Evil was not here yet. Finally when fight was over, a guy in his mid twenty came on stage, his name was Luke. He looked so scared, like it's his first fight, maybe it is. And to our shock Evil was his opponent. "Evil's surely gonna win" Cam whistled and I agreed. Definitely Evil is going to win no doubt. And then something shocking happened. Evil punched the guy and he passed out from her 1st punch! Wow!! I knew that Evil was going to win but it was too easy. The whole crowd roared for Evil. She just left after taking her money.

I followed her and when she was leaving. I grabbed her hand and to my surprise she punched me straight to my stomach. God, that hurts! I bent down due to the pain but when she noticed my face something flashed through her eyes. Recognition? Worry? Anger? I think all together. But how could she know me? I am over thinking maybe, but her eyes seems too familiar. Though half of her face was hidden under the mask, but those eyes, I've seen it somewhere. Those deep , icy-blue eyes that held so much secrets. It seems so much familiar. And to my surprise she yanked her hand and left me into my thoughts. Before I could stop her she was long gone like she was never here. Damn, I lost my chance due to some ridiculous thoughts.

And there goes my plan to bed her.. Damn.

"Woah.. Looks like someone got beaten up by Evil" Cameron said, or should I say teased me. "Shut up Cam" I hissed. I was very pissed because my plan to bed Evil failed. I should have known she'll not be easy to impress. But now it seems like it's impossible to impress her. If she's not impressed by my looks, probably she is not interested in looks. I'll need to do something different, which will make her notice me more. But still I've a feeling that it'll be too hard to bed her. And those eyes? They seems so familiar. Like I've seen them, where? I don't know.

"Come on dude, cheer up. Talk to her next time. May be she will talk  next time rather than punching you?" He snickered. "Next time surely she'll talk" I murmured.


Next morning I woke up because of my alarm clock. I shut it off and got up to get ready for school today. Though I'm least interested in school, I still get to see hot girls. And suddenly I remembered that girl with Cam's girlfriend. What was her name again? Tia or something. She seems like a nice girl. Too bad, now I've my eyes on Evil, but she could be fun too. I mean she's hot, she's beautiful too and she's a nerd. And I may have a thing for nerds. Because they are always good in bed.

With black T-shirt with dark washed jeans and a leather jacket,I waa ready for the day. When I reached school, cam was busy making out with his girl near her locker. And few steps behind them was Tia looking very uncomfortable. Smirking, I started making my way towards her. "Hey babe" I whispered in her ear. She tensed and for a minute I thought she's going to hit me because of her stance but its like she remembered something and controlled her movement. She turned and glared me. "What the hell? Have you ever heard of personal space?" She angrily hissed. "Nope" I said purposely irritating her. She just rolled her eyes while huffing angrily. God, she look so hot when she gets angry, she looks like a wild cat. "Well then, move. I've class to attend." She said. "But I think you will need some books for class right?" I asked. She again rolled her eyes and said, "obviously, but your friend there is not done sucking my friend's face yet" she murmured.

I started laughing,sure, she was waiting for them to stop. May be her locker was somewhere there. "What's so funny?" She asked me while continuously glaring me. "No- nothing's funny" I said controlling my laughter. "Is your locker by any chance there?" I asked pointing where that were still making out. She blushed a little. "Yeah.. It's right behind where they are uh making-out... Yeah" she answered rather awkwardly. Aww she's so cute. Wait, what? Cute? Where the hell that came from? Leave it. "Don't you think they are 'making-out' for quit long?" I asked by making quotation sign on the word 'making-out'. She blushed deep red. Like a tomato. "Yeah...." She trailed off not knowing what to say anymore. "So.. Let's interrupt them? What's say?" I asked with wicked smirk on my face. She looks like she's thinking about my idea. "Not bad actually. I'm really tired seeing them making-out all the time. Please, do the honor" she sighed. "Sure babe" I winked. "Pu-lease, stop calling me babe" she muttered. "Why? It turns you on?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her suggestively. She widened her eyes and said, "wh-what? No? Not at all. Its just.. Its just gross, eww.." she said while scrunching her face. "Okay.. As you say" I said and made my way towards Cam. "Oh my god.! Fire.. Fire.. Run everyone." I shouted loudly near them. They immediately stopped and started frantically seeing where is the fire. " where , Where?" They asked asked to no one. "Finally" Tia sighed while getting whatever she wanted to get from her locker. Her friend narrowed her eyes on her, then me. "What was that? Why was that? How-" "oh shut up Monika" she interrupted her in between. "You know we are in school and we have classes to attend. And now we are going to be late because of you sucking face of your boyfriend" she grumbled. Monika's eyes widened by hearing this. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry Tiana. I totally got carried away in..." She trailed off. Oh so that's her name. Tiana. Nice name though. "Yeah yeah.. Now move we have class." She said and grabbed her hand taking her to their class.

"Shit man. I was so enjoying but you have to interrupt" Can grumbled. "Yeah.. I've to interrupt else you two have made babies right here" I said by rolling my eyes. "Hey" he said but I ignored her and thought about Tiana. May be we should go for classes today. "Let's go for class." I said while smirking.

Let's the fun begin. I'm coming Tiana.

Little long chapter

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Muskan :)

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