Chapter 5

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Tiana above.. isn't she cute?

Tiana's POV :

Today's encounter with Blake was little embarrassing but funny nonetheless. It was a sight to see Monika and Cameron, all worked up for nothing. Though I'm feeling little bad but it was not my fault. They should do it in more private place. Doesn't matter now though.

"Fuck. That was embarrassing" Monika grumbled. " Yeah, it was" I replied awkwardly. I mean it was very awkward for me. We made our way in the class and as we were a bit late, there were only three seats remaining, that too in the last. Sighing I made my way along with Monika and we sat on one of the remaining seats. Our Teacher was yet to come. Mr. Knight was a cool teacher but strict too when needed.

"Everyone settle down please" Mr. Knight said as he entered. He started with his lecture and I was listening carefully and writing down the important notes. Suddenly the door opened, and standing there was none other than Blake and his gang themselves. To say all were surprised would be an understatement. "Pleased to see you all. After all it's very rare to see you guys in lectures" Mr. Knight said sarcastically. " Yeah, long time no see Mr. Knight. How's you?" It was none other than Blake who asked. "Settle down all five of you" Mr Knight replied without answering Blake. He scanned whole class when his eyes found me. He smirked, with evil glint in his eyes, he started walking in our direction.

My eyes widen when I realized that he was indeed walking in our direction. He sat just behind me with Cameron, who is right behind Monika. The Other two adjusted in the last seat.  "Hello blue" Blake said in his husky voice from behind. His hot breath caressed on my neck made all the hairs stand on my whole body. I shivered internally. God he has such a smooth velvety husky voice. Wait what? Did he called me blue?. "Blue?" I asked whispering as Mr. Knight was busy teaching. I don't want to disturb knowing I'm a nerd. "Yeah." He answered in same way that is whispering. "Why blue?" I murmured. "Because that's your eye color. And your eyes are really very deep, Mesmerising blue." He answered huskily. What? Is he OK? I shrugged. Maybe because I didn't know what to say.

Cameron and Monika were talking nonstop though. It was like there wish came true. He was whispering something in her ear and she was giggling like a school girl  and I don't want to know what he was saying. Knowing them, he must be saying all dirty things like they do in movies.  Now there was no way I was able to concentrate in lectures. I sighed. So much to attend lecture on time.

Suddenly, I started thinking about that night. The night of my fight. Hey, that rhymed. I was thinking about my encounter with Blake that night. What was he thinking to act like that. No one is allowed to talk to any fighters as long as they are willing to talk.  Then why did he grabbed my hand? What do he wanted to talk? I mean there must be a reason for him to just grab my hand and stop me. I hope he didn't find out it was me. What if he knows it's me? It would be very dangerous for him. There's a reason I don't want anyone to know about my secret. Even my best friends don't know about it. Only my manager knows it. And I want to keep it that way. It's very dangerous for them to enter my fighting life. I have many enemies. Of course I would have enemies. Because I'm never defeated. I never lost any fight. And if they would know about my dual life, they would use them to reach me. And I don't want to risk their life.

"..iana? Tiana? Are you listening?" Someone snapped their fingers in front of me. "Huh" I asked, confused as our whole class was empty. Where did they go? "Lecture is over and I'm trying to get your attention since last five minutes. Are you OK? You seem.... Tensed. Is everything OK?" She asked with concern in her voice. "Ohh.. yeah I'm fine. Just thinking. Don't worry I'm absolutely fine." I answered with a small smile.

Even Blake looked little concerned. Am I seeing Right? Blake Ryder concerned for me? He quickly masked his expression. Yeah of course. He's a bad boy, he's not allowed to show emotions I guess. Whatever. When he saw I was watching him, he smirked. What with the boys and their smirk? It really annoys me a lot. Typical boys.

" Okay.. let's go then. We are already late for our next lesson I guess" she muttered while taking my hand in hers and walking out of the Class.  Blake and his morons also started following us. " You guys are not in our next lesson. Then why are you following us?" I asked them by slightly narrowing my eyes. There was no way I'm allowing him to disturb me for my next class. " It doesn't matter Blue, if we are or not in that class. If we want, we can join." He answered with amusement in his eyes. "Fine. But don't you dare to disturb me again. I've grades to maintain." I muttered and made my way in our class. Anna was waiting for us at door. Seems like our Teacher is still not here. Anna was with us in this class. All of the classes I have, one of them is there with me and sometimes both.

"Hey guys. You are lat.." she trailed off, eyes widening as she noticed five more people with us. Not any people, it's the bad boy gang themselves. No doubt we are going to get a lot of attention to us. Not what I want. " Hey babe. You've got a nice figure" Aiden winked and whistled at Anna. She blushed like a tomato. It's not every day you get compliments by bad boys. Did I forget to mention that they all are drop dead gorgeous? Yeah, they all are like Calvin Klein models. But Blake is like main gang leader and I think he's most good looking in them all. " and you have got a big mouth bad boy, care to control it around me?" Anna replied with narrowing her eyes once she came out of her shock. Now it was Aiden's time to be shocked. Well they don't know Anna. She never backs down from anything. Even if it is a mere conversation like now. And it's not everyday someone back answer bad boy. They basically worship the ground they walk. Silly kids!

Other four started laughing. Even I couldn't control so I too joined them. " Let's go guys." Anna said and got inside te class.  It seems today is going to be a long day.

Hey guys. Long time no see. Here's an update.

I can't believe my eyes. 3days before  WBME was #826 in random. And last night it has become #433 in romance. *Squeals loudly*

I can't believe I really have readers. Thank you so much guys. Luv u.

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Muskan :)

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