Chapter 1

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Unknown: What are you up to Zayn?

Zayn: Whose this and how did you get my number?

Unknown: The name is William and my friend gave it to me.

Zayn: What do you want?

William: Nothing, I was bored so I thought I'd text you.

Zayn: Stop texting me.

William: Stop answering me

Zayn: What if I don't want to?

Louis: Then I am going to continue to text.

Zayn: Fine, what do you want to talk about?

William: I don't know, how was your day?

Zayn: Okay, are you in high school?

William: Yes

Zayn: Cool

William: So do you have a crush on anyone?

Zayn: Not really

William: I smell bullcrap

Zayn: I don't care what you smell I don't have a crush on anyone

William: You know lying is a sin

Zayn: You know being annoying is a sin

William: No it is not

Zayn: Whatever

William: I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours

Zayn: No

William: So you admit you do have a crush on someone

Zayn: I did no such thing

William: Yes you did, you said no, not I don't have a crush on someone

Zayn: Fine I have a crush on someone but I am not telling you

William: Is he pretty?

Zayn: I am not gay

William: You saying I'm not gay is like Bill Clinton saying he didn't cheat on his wife.

Zayn: Wait a minute, why do you want to know my crush's name so badly?

William: Just curious

Zayn: Sure you are

Texting My BullyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora