Chapter 10

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Zayn: Louis he was just joking

Louis: Bullcrap, you don't call someone that word

Zayn: He promised not to say it again


Zayn: Please give him another chance

Louis: Tell him if he calls my cat ugly rat face one more time I will literally beat the crap out of him

Zayn: He says okay

Louis: How can he not think that Mr.Cuddles is the cutest cat ever

Zayn: No clue, he is very cute

Louis: So when is the cat hater going back home?

Zayn: Louis..😾

Louis: Sorry🙀

Zayn: He leaves tomorrow, can't believe it has been a week already

Louis: Yup, is Liam gay

Zayn: No why?

Louis: My gaydar says he is

Zayn: He has a girlfriend

Louis: Whatever, he is still gay



Louis: 😸😸😸😸😸 I was right

Zayn: Don't rub it in

Louis: Oh I am going to rub it in. LIAM IS GAY!!!

Zayn: Shut up

Louis: I am literally dying right now


Louis: This is the best moment ever

Zayn: Bye

Louis: Babe don't go

Louis: Baby?

Louis: Zayn?

Zayn: Got you😹😹😹😹

Louis: Jerk

Zayn: Hey you started it

Louis: Okay I'm sorry

Zayn: Same


Louis: Babe I know what I want for my birthday

Louis: Babe I know what I want for my birthday

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