Chapter 3

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William: Louis told me what happened, are you okay?

Zayn: Yeah, those guys were never my friends and I am glad I stood up to them.

William: Four against one is not fair

Zayn: Yeah well life is not fair

William: How did your parents take it?

Zayn: Take what?

William: You did tell them you were gay right?

Zayn: My father is Muslim, he doesn't believe in homosexuality. He would disown me and try to kick me out

William: So you told some bullcrap story about being mugged didn't you?

Zayn: Yes

William: I don't understand you Zayn, you stood up for Louis and told the jerks to leave him alone and got beat for it but you won't tell your family you're gay

Zayn: Standing up for someone and telling you family a huge secret that could destroy them are two different things

William: I just think it is not worth losing the real you

Zayn: What is the really me?

William: A good guy with a lot of heart.

Zayn: You can tell that by our texts?

William: Yes

Zayn: 😊 Thanks

William: You're welcome, I have to go it's time for dinner

Zayn: ttyl

William: Will do

Texting My BullyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora