Chapter 7

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My sleeping boyfriend just kidding a girl can dream right?

Louis: Zayn please talk to me

Louis: I am sorry


Louis: Please Zayn I love you


Zayn cried as he read Louis's words. It had been two weeks since their fight and Louis has called and texted over fifty time. He had stopped yesterday and Zayn must admit that he missed Louis's heart felt text messages. Zayn jumped when his phone went off in his hand. He looked down to see a unknown number. He picked it up.

"Hello?" He said.

"Zayn, this is Mrs.Tomlinson." She said sounding like she had been crying.

"Hello Mrs.Tomlinson, are you okay?"

"No I'm not, I just wanted to tell Louis's boyfriend that he tried to kill himself again." She said. Zayn's blood went cold.

"Thank you for telling me and I will be over there shortly." He said.

"Okay, his room is 205" she said before hanging up. Zayn raced out of his room and down the stairs. He bumped into his parents on the way out of the house.

"What is wrong Zayn?" My dad asked.

"My boyfriend is in the hospital and I have to go to him." Zayn said.

"I thought you guys broke up?" My mum said.

"I just realized that I can't live without him. I have to go now but I will call you with a update later." Zayn said getting into his car and driving to the hospital. When he got there he rushed in and headed to 205. He opened the door to see a sleeping Louis and a worried Mrs. Tomlinson. She looked up and smiled slightly at Zayn.

"So glad you could make it." She said.

"I wasn't going to not come." He said.

"Louis talks about you all the time. Ever since the second he saw you in math class freshman year. He came home and told me he had just seen the man he was going to marry. I told him that he was to young to know such things. Do you want to know what he said next?" She said. He nodded and she smiled. "He said it only takes one look at someone to know if they are your soulmate. I thought to myself how my fourteen year old learned that and did he really believe that. His father and I had divorced when he was really little then Mark came along when Louis was fourteen and Louis decided to take his last name. Then we divorced it broke his heart now it's just him, his siblings and me. Through out that he would always come home talking about you and how you talked to him for the first time." She said then broke down crying. He walked over to her and put his hand on her back to comfort her.

"I am so sorry Mrs. Tomlinson." Zayn said.

"Thank you Zayn" She said.

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