Chapter 6

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Zayn: I did it

William: Did what?

Zayn: Told my parents

William: How did it go?

Zayn: It started out with a lot of  "How could you do this to your family?" from my dad and tears from my mum. She was more upset that I didn't tell her. Then it was like "Are you sure" from dad and "I will support you" from my mum. Once I told them I was very much gay they were okay with it.

William: I told you it would be okay

Zayn: Thanks for the support

William: What made you tell them?

Zayn: A certain friend by the name of William said that it wasn't worth losing the real me

William: This friend is a wise man😉

Zayn: Did you just wink at me? I must warn you that I am a taken man😉

William: If you are taken then stop winking at me😉

Zayn: You stop winking at me


Zayn: Stop that before you get me in trouble

William: Bet you would like that wouldn't you?😉😍😘

Zayn: Are you drunk or high off your ass

William: Neither I am just messing with you sorry

Zayn: That's fine

William: Have to run so I will talk to you later

Zayn: Okay


Zayn: So I ran into Louis's mom and I asked her how you were doing and she looked at me like I was crazy then said that Louis didn't have a cousin named William. She said that Louis's middle name was William.

Louis: I am sorry I lied to you

Zayn: Was this all just a game to you

Louis: At first it was, I wanted you to feel the way I did but then you started doing all these nice things and took a beating for me and I fell even more in love with you.

Zayn: Were you ever going to tell me?

Louis: I was going to tell you when we saw each other tomorrow

Zayn: Forget it we are done

Louis: Zayn I am sorry

Louis: Talk to me

Louis: Zayn?

Looks like this maybe the end of Zouis😱😱😱😱

Texting My BullyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora