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Karly- It's been a few weeks and I been putting on weight and throwing up a lot. I think I'm pregnant but Imma go to my doctor to see. I went to the doctor. I signed in and took a seat and texted Vanessa on my phone.

Me- Bitch I'm at the doctor, looking to see if I'm pregnant bitch cause I been having morning sickness.

Nessa- Girll you Finna have my lil Niece or nephew finally , Aww.

"Karly Jackson" said the nurse. I got up and she checked my weight and height. "Mr Rodgers will be here shortly" she said. I scrolled through my newsfeed and seen a picture of a dude he was sexy and looked familiar. "Karly, Hi I'm Mr Rodgers " greeted he doctor as he came in. "So what brought you here" he asked. "I think I might be pregnant" I said. "Well here is a cup, fill it up with urine and I'll come test it" he said. I took the test and waited in my room. "I have some good news" he said coming in. "And I also have some bad news" he said. I frowned. "The good news is you are in fact 6 weeks pregnant" he said. "The bad news is you have a weak uterus and you might want to be careful and avoid sex during your pregnancy or you'll lose your baby" he said. "Thanks doctor"I said. He gave me my vitamins and next doctor visit for prenatal care and other stuff.

I took a picture of the test and sent it to Vanessa. "Aww you Finna have a mini you" she said. I smiled. "I hope she not crazy like me" I said. "Name her after me" said Vanessa. "Girl you know I am" I said. I was happy to have this bad but mad cause I didn't know her father. I just know him from the sex. I eat some dominos and watched Netflix and rubbed my stomach. Imma do right for me and my baby.
I'm not looking for no man, Imma just take care of my baby.

Drock- What's bussin' I'm Drock but my real name Deontre Robins. Free my nigga Kendrick you know he locked up. Judge gave my nigga 5 years or a gun and drug charge but he'll be out. I just came to the strip club and I got shorty from the other night number. I'm Finna call her and take her to the movies.

"Wassup baby ?"
"Nothing, I'm with my Bestfriend"
"Oh okay you tryna go to the movies and then crash at my place ?"
"Sounds like a plan "
"Ight Imma come scoop you"

I went home , took a shower and put on True Religion shorts and a blue polo shirt and some blew and whit Jordan 10s. I put on my chain and called her and told her I was on my way.
"See ya later call me" said her friend. Her friend look pregnant. She did go home with Kendrick the night before he got booked. "Damn" I whispered. "Hey " she said as she got in the car. "Wassup , you ready to roll out ?" I asked. "Eww you just had to match me" I teased. "So what, I look better" she smiled and stuck her tongue out at me. "Ouu girl keep that tongue In your mouth" I said . She rolled her eyes at me. "Damn girl you is looking fine" I said grabbing her thigh. "That's Kendrick baby huh ?" I said. "What you mean ?" She asked. "Cause your friend look pregnant " I said. "Yeah that's his baby but she don't want nothing to do with him" she said. "He gonna be pissed that she ain't tell me that he have a baby" I said. "Yeah but Karly is stubborn as fuck and when she mean something she mean it" she said.

Karly- I been moody as fuck to be only 7 weeks. I been sleeping and eating, and watching tv. Vanessa told me that Drock from the night we was out said his friend name is Kendrick and he is in jail. Drock didn't tell Kendrick at all though. I mean I don't need him In my daughter life at all. Im not mad at him it's just that your gonna miss 5 years of her life. But it's all good cause he didn't know neither did I. Today I'm out getting baby clothes and stuff for my new baby. I can't wait to have it. I shopped all day and went home and took my medicine.

I was relaxed until I heard a knock on my door. I walked to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was my mom. "What you want ?" I asked her. "Don't give me no fucking additude" she snapped. "Then what the fuck do you want ?" I asked. "Look I got some things going on " she said. "Okay, what that got to do with me ? " I asked. "You one cold hearted bitch !" She yelled. "I'm the cold hearted bitch, no you are the same bitch that told a man to rape me so you can support your habit" I teared up. "I can barely have kids, I'm pregnant right now and I have to watch out cause my uterus is weak" I said. My mom looked sorry. She tried to hug me but I moved. "I had to do what was best for us" she said. "Best for us ?" I asked. "I been in my own since I was 11 years old"I added. "You can let yourself out my house" I said. She got her stuff and left out. I cried hard, then wiped my tears. Yes that's what my mom did to me.

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