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I'm 9 months and I ready for these kids to come. I'm pregnant with twin girls. We naming them D'rissa and Delilah. Drock been out of town but he coming home later on today.

My baby's are due in two days. We got there room pimped out already. I they got a pink room and they have butterflies and princesses and flowers all over the place. I'm 6 inches Dilated. That mean in a few days Imma have some lil Nessa's.

I'm at home watching tv. The police knocked on my door. "Hi we are hear looking for Deontre Robins" said the officer. "He's not here he went out of town" I said. "Thanks for your cooperation"he said. The police left and I called Drock.

"The police just came looking for you " I said. "Fuck" he said. "Okay I'm here come and get me " he said. "Okay here I come" I said. I hung up and got up and got dressed and we tot true train station.

Drock came out looking sexy. "Hey babe " he said. "Hey daddy" I said. "You looking all Daddyish" I added. "Damn you got huge how long you dilated ? " he asked. "6 but I gotta go to the doctor today to see what happening" I said.

Drock drive the car. "Wait Drock feel right here" I said. I grabbed his hand and rubbed it against my stomach. "That feels like a foot" he said. "It is I hope one of them didn't flip over" I said.

We went to the hospital. We sat in the waiting room. And I started feeling pains. "Baby you okay ?" Asked Drock. "Ah Drock I'm having cramps" I said. "Nurse we need help" I said.

"Ma'am how long in pregnancy are you ?" Asked the nurse. "I'm 9 months" I said out of pain. They put Vanessa in a wheelchair and put her on the bed. They took her pants off.

"Omg Rebbeca" called the other nurse. "We need the midwife and Doctor" they said. Drock looked down between my legs. "Vanessa I see the baby head" he said. I squinted my eyes from the pain. Everybody started rushing in.

"She's crowning" said the Midwife. "Ahhhh Deontre its coming" I screamed. "Push Ma'am push" said the nurse. I pushed as hard as I could. I pushed and pushed until I heard a cry.

I teared up. I heard my baby cry. My first baby is Delilah she is 6 pounds 4oz. Deontre cut the cord and the doctors washed her up.

"Omg we got rush her to emergency c-section this baby is feet first and the cord is around her neck" said the Doctor.

They Rushed me to the operation room and about 30 minutes later I heard a cry. I just touched my heart. Deontre stayed in the other room and the doctors cut the cord. They put her in the ICU for 24 watch over cause she had the cord around her neck.

I went back in the room holding my baby. "She looks just like me look at her lips" I said. " I hope D'rissa is okay" I said dropping a tear. "She gonna be okay " said Deontre. "Stop crying" he said.

Drock grabbed Delilah out my hands and kissed her. "Hey princess"he said. "I'm your daddy" he smiled. I smiled. The nurse came in. "I have good news" she said. "D'rissa Karly Redd Robins is okay and she is outside the door and I will be bringing her in" she said. The nurse opened the door and you'll never guess who came in holding D'rissa.

"Karlyy?!!" I yelled. Karly was standing there holding D'rissa and kissing all on her. "Wait but I didnt even name her that" I told the nurse. "Girl I did" said Karly.  "Delilah middle name is Marie" I said. "Father we need you to come sign the birth certificates" said the nurse

Drock left out the room. Karly Handed me D'rissa and I kissed all in her. "Gimme lil Lilah" said Karly. I gave her Lilah and she kissed all on her. "Where Karlynn ?" I asked.

"She at her Nana house" I said. "You and Kendrick coo ?" I questioned. "No, girl he gotta another baby mom in Jamaica" she said. She gave me Delilah. I stuck my nipple in her mouth. "And now that I think about it , it all makes since " she said.

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