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I got a call from Vanessa. She got raped. I got up and left Kendrick with the kids. I got in the car and headed toward the hospital. I can't believe my fucking bestfriend  got raped.

I walked in with tears in my eyes. The clerk told me the room number and I walked in and hugged Vanessa and started crying hard. We cried together.

I hate rape. It's the most digusting crime in the world . I told y'all I was raped. I can barely hold babies, because a nasty ass man decided to fuck me.

"What happen ?" I asked. I touched her swolen cheek. "I was dancing on a man, turn out it was Dyme brother" she explained. "Kingpin" she said. "Omg" I said. "Yes he said he know I'm Drock Babymama"she said. "Doctors running test on me" she said.

I started crying. I'll never think it will happen to her. The doctor came in. "Well Vanessa" he said. "Your clear of STD's and All that" he said. "We even scraped your uterus for DNA Samples" he said. "We are giving samples to the Forensic office , so we can investigate" he explained.

"Am I Free to go home ?" She asked. "Yes Ma'am" he said. I got up and Nessa walked slowly. I can tell that walk. That same walk; I did when I was young. Tears poured out my eyes. Just thinking back how it was when so was little.

"Where the girls ?" I asked. "At Mama D house" she said. We got in the car and went to my house. As we arrived I seen my light on. Kendrick is up. I helped Nessa out the car. I locked the car door. Nessa limped. Kendrick opened the door. "Baby what happened to her ?" He asked.

"Baby sis ? What happen ?" Asked Kendrick. "Baby she got raped" I said. I helped Nessa to my guest room. "Omg G fr who touched my sister?" He asked. "Kingpin" I said. "Aw yeah he dead" he said. Kendrick got up and got dressed. "Baby where you going ?" I asked. "Handle some business" he said.


This nigga Kingpin think he finna rape my sister and get away wit it. Yeah Ight watch this. I got up and got dressed. I grabbed my Mac and left out the door.

I called my Hitsquad. We finna lit his ass up. I drove up to his house. Parked a block down and ran up the street. "Yo We hopping the gate" I said Paging the group. We slid up over his gate. "Boss we need to silence his dogs" said Mike. "Go ahead" I said.
"Onna count of 3" I said
"1...2...3" I said
We busses through his door, killing his gaurds. I let my Mac spit up bullets. I ran up the stairs and bussed through every door. He wasn't in nun of them. The light was on in one room.

I peeked through the door and seen him getting head from a thick Redbone. I bussed in. Snatched the girl by her hair. My boys threw her out the room and slot her throat. "You raped my sister bitch, Huh pussy ?" I asked. I smacked his face wit my gun, making blood ooze out his mouth.

"Yeahh I fucked that bitch, pussy was good too" he said. I shot him inna head. We flipped his hold his crib. We took his money, guns all that.

I came back late as hell and slid back in the bed with my baby. I smoked a blunt and checked my phone. I fell asleep high as hell.

I woke up to Karly stomach on my side. I felt my daughter kicks. I rubbed her stomach and kissed her. She woke up . "She kicking huh ?" She said. "Hell yeah woke me out my sleep and some more shit" I said. "Gimme kiss" I said. We kissed. "Just to know I gave you 4 years of my love, and we still got more to come" she said. "Makes me feel like the happiest woman in the world" she said.

"Awww" I said. I kissed her. We got like 2 more days. I got everything ready. Just to think that a few years ago I wasn't with that wifing shit. But I found a wife, man Karly been there since day one.

I gotta make the biggest drop of my whole dope game. After I'm done with this, I'm out the dope game. I already recruited somebody to run my Trap. A nigga finna retire. I'm already rich as fuck .

I'm finna let this dope shit go, I got babies and shit. I been inna dope game since I was 14 , I'm 27 now, I got other shit to be doing with my life.

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