Chapter 6

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Joey's POV:

I'm excited for tonight. I put on a blue button up, black skinnies, my black vans, and then a crystal necklace to top it off. Once I've finished getting dressed I hear a knock on the door. Daniel.

I open the door and am greeted with a smiling Daniel and a kiss on the cheek. "Wow you look really good!" Daniel says. I smile and think, I do look good don't I? "I wish I could say the same!" I say in a joking tone. "Ugh....excuse me?!" He says placing his hand on his chest backing away acting offended. I laugh and hit his chest playfully. "Let's go!"

We walk into the movie theaters hand in hand after getting our tickets. We take our seats at the back of the theatre waiting for the movie to start. "So how was your day?" I ask Daniel trying to make small talk. "It's was ok, how about yours?" He asks. "It was good." I respond. "Did I tell you what Nick asked yesterday?" He asks trying not to laugh. "No, what did he say?" I ask nervously. "He asked if we had sex!" He says laughing. I blush and laugh. The movie starts and we stare at the screen. I lean over and whisper, "But would that be so bad?" I smirk and pull away as if nothing happened.

During the movie Daniel does a classic move, The yawn, stretch, and over the shoulder. His face is still focused on the movie and I cuddle into his side.

Tears start running down my cheeks as Agustus says he has cancer. Daniel looks over at me and pulls the arm rest up to pull me closer to him. I look up at him and he smiles sweetly. In a matter of seconds our lips are connected and moving in sync. It would be an understatement to say there were sparks, there was explosions. I pull away and look up at him. "You're beautiful!" He says, I blush and bury my face into his neck.

***(after the movie)***

Daniel's POV:

"So where do you wanna eat at?" I ask Joey as we exit the movies. He shrugs and links our arms together. "How about Panera?" I ask, he nods and we walk to the restaurant considering it's only a block or two away.

"So what is your job?" I ask because I never really asked him. He smiles, "I'm an artist!" I look at him shocked. "An artist? Well that's different!" I say with a chuckle. He nods and we are at the front door of the restaurant. I hold open the door and bow motioning my hand towards it, "After you princess!" I say with a cheeky grin as Joey blushes and walks in.

" does um..Nick know about" He asks with curiosity. "I really don't know which is the funny part. He probably learned it from his friends or something." I say shrugging it off. He shakes his head in agreement.


"Thanks for the movie and dinner. I really had fun tonight!" Joey says as we sit in the car just chatting. I stare into his soft, emerald eyes. We both lean in and our lips connect in a slow manner, the kiss gets a bit more heated. I run my tongue along his bottom lip asking for enterance, he let's me. Joey unbuckles and crawls into my lap straddling me. He runs his hand under my shirt tracing my abs, my hands being placed on his ass. Joey pulls away and rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. "I can't do this right now. We're in a car and we only just started dating." He says giggling. I nod understanding. He gives me one last kiss and gets out of the car.

Joey's POV:

I walk in to find Cat passed out on the couch with Max cuddling into her. I pull out my phone and take a quick picture mentally 'awing'. They look comfy so I throw a blanket over them and make my way upstairs to my bedroom.

I walk into the bathroom turning on the hot water and discarding my clothes. I stand under the water and think. I would love to move further with him it's just that I don't want to mess up our relationship this early. I lather my hair with shampoo and rinse it out. I grab the conditioner, squirting some in my hand and rubbing it into my hair. I really really like him, is it possible I love him? I mean is 'love at first sight' even real? I finish rinsing my hair out as I hear a knock at the door. Who would be here at 12 o' clock at night?

I walk downstairs with a towel wrapped around me, Cat and Max still sleeping. I look through the peep hole and see Daniel. I open the door and he gulps. "Yes?" I ask kindly. " forgot t-this in the c-ar." He says rubbing his neck and blushing. He hands me my wallet and I thank him. I look down and remember I still have only a towel on. I gasp and slam the door running upstairs. OMG WHY WAS I SO STUPID?! I hop back in the shower and quickly wash my body.


I decide to text Daniel about the whole incident a little while ago.

Joey: Hey sorry about slamming the door in your face. I forgot I only had a towel on and got embarrassed.

I hear a faint ding a few seconds after sending the message. Hm??

Daniel: It's ok. I didn't mind.

Joey: Stop you're making me blush!!

I hear yet another faint ding, probably just Cat's phone.

Daniel: Ummm....I am kind of your front door still. 😞

I start laughing as I receive the text. I walk downstairs and open the door stepping outside with at huge grin. "Why are you still at my front door?" I ask holding back a laugh. "I wanted to kiss my princess one last time before I went home!" He says and steps closer to me grabbing my hips and pulling me forward. "Don't you think we kissed enough in the car?" I ask giggling with a growing blush remembering earlier. "I could never have enough of you." He says and leans down to connect our lips. Our lips fitting so perfect together, just enjoying the moment, that is until.........

Preston, my ex pulls up.

Please don't hate me!! I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything to write these past couple of days or so. I probably just ruined this chapter with Preston being here, but it's ok. Hopefully it'll get better. I know y'all are mad at me still, but yeah there was a huge fluff chapter so..... Good bye lovelies! Be Smiley. Don't be Gloomy!!😊💕

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