Chapter 8

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Joey's POV:

I wake up to a boy sitting on my chest. "Good morning!" I say with a smile. "Good morning dad!" Max says. I reach up and pretend to stretch, but bring my hands down quickly and tickle him. He squirms and falls over onto the bed. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask stopping. "PANCAKES?" He asks with puppy dog eyes. "Well....I don't know, they're so hard to make and it's just so much work!" I say exaggerating. "I'll help!" He says with a sweet smile. "But it's ju- FIRST ONE TO THE KITCHEN GETS THE BIGGEST PANCAKE!" I yell as I start running, but right as I'm about to get to the threshold, Max is already there.

"How'd you get here so fast?" I ask out of breathe. "I took a short cut through the dining room!" He says with a smirk. "So, dad, what does the winner get again?" I roll my eyes. "The biggest pancake." I say with a pout.

I finish making the pancakes with Max's help and we eat. "Ok put your dishes in the sink and go get ready, we have to go shopping." I say sipping my orange juice. "Why do we have to go shopping? Why can't Aunt Cat come over and watch me?" He asks madly. "Because she has to work today. How about I get you candy? But only if you're a good boy." I say with a smile. He huffs and gives in. "Ok now go get ready!" I say pushing him towards his room.

I walk to my room and open the closet. I reach in and grab a red button up and some black skinnies. I get dressed and walk over to my dresser and grab my gray converse that lay beside it. I walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and I'm ready to go.

"Are you ready Max?" I holler through the house. He runs to the front door where in standing. "Yeah, I was just brushing my teeth." He says showing me his teeth. "Ok then let's go!" I say and we walk out the door locking it behind us.


"Can we get this dad? How about this? Oooo....I want this!" Max says as we walk through the grocery store, him acting like a monkey who's seen bananas. "Max, if you don't stop asking for stuff then we aren't getting anything. Now if you want I'll let you pick out a snack and a candy bar, but that'll be all for today." I say giving him a stern look. He nods his head and grabs ahold of the cart.

We finish shopping and head to the gas station to get gas. "Dad, can I get a snack now?" Max asks sweetly. "Would you rather have a snack and a candy bar, or Chick-fil-A and an icecream from there?" I ask and he puts a finger on his chin and looks away in thought. "Hurry up my little Einstein!" I say with a giggle. "Chick-fil-A!" He says with a smile.


"You made it!" Daniel says walking over to me giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Ewwwww!" I hear from beside us. I look down and see Max covering his eyes. We start laughing. "Why don't you go warm up bud?" Daniel asks, but is more of a command. Max runs off to the rest of the team and starts with leg stretches.

"So how has your day been?" I ask Joey looking into his eyes. "It was a struggle! That child wouldn't stay still for more than 4 seconds!" I say with a huff. "Sorry to break it to you, but it's going to be worse later tonight with the whole team over." He says laughing. "Oh no, I am NOT staying there with that many kids!" I say with sass. "But please?" He says with puppy dog eyes. "Ugh....ok, but only because you're cute!" I say with an eye roll. "Yes! Thank you so much!" He cheers pulling me into a kiss. I pull away with a giggle and send him off to the field with a slap to the ass.

Daniel's POV:

I walk to the middle of the field to meet the other coach and flip a coin, but as I'm walking up there, I see the one and only Preston. "This will be a fair game, no cheating." Putting emphasis on the word cheating while shaking his hand. We flip a coin and my team gets the ball first. (Idk how soccer works just go with it!) I run over to the benches where the kids are sitting. "Ok we can do this, we are so much better than that team!" I give the team talk. I point off players to their places and we are all set. I look to Joey and he gives a look of worry, but replaces it with a grin and a thumbs up. "LET'S DO THIS!" I yell to the team as the game starts.


"Yeah I know they cheated! I'm going to go have a talk with their coach right now!" I say with sweat dripping down my face. I walk over to the piece of junk named Preston. "Why the hell did you cheat?" I ask Preston trying not to make a scene. "What do you mean?" He asks with a smirk. "You are a fucking cheater and you know it!" I spit at him. I walk over to the bleachers that sit on his side of the field. "YOUR COACH IS TEACHING YOUR KIDS TO CHEAT! JUST WANTED TO LET YOU PARENTS KNOW!" I yell at them and I see faces of anger and shock. "Have fun pal!" I say with a grin and jog back to the benches.

"We would've won if they didn't cheat!! In my book y'all are winners!" I cheer. "So who wants to go swimming! Get in your car pool!" I say and everybody runs to parents cars. I walk over to Joey and wrap my arm around his waist. We walk to our cars, which are parked beside each other. Avi, Kevin, Jeremy, and Nick all lined up beside my car waiting for me to unlock it. I give Joey a hug and we all drive to my house.

All the parents dropped the kids off so they could have special time with their husbands or wifes, but some tried to stay, I didn't let them of course. "Ok so who wants to go swimming?" I ask and all the kids run to get their bathing suits on. I walk over to Joey and grab his waist and pull him closer. "So are you going to put your bathing suit on?" I ask and he blushes. "I don't know, it all depends if you do." He says trailing his fingers down my chest. My breathe hitches and I start to lean in, but hear foot steps, lots of them so I pull away and walk into the house to get my bathing suit on.

"CANNONBALL!" I yell as I run outside and jump into the pool not even feeling the water and holy shit I wish I did because it was cold as hell. I come back up and ahiver, but smile. The kids laugh, but do the same exact thing I do. I shake my head and swim to the edge of the pool where Joey is.

"Are you getting in?" I ask with a grin. "I might!" He says with an unsure tone. "Well you have to take that shirt off first!" I say with a smirk. He does so and steps into the pool. "Daniel, we can't cuddle in the pool with all these kids around!" I say warning him. He nods and we both swim over to the kids.

"Yeah get em'! No grav his arms and knock him off!" The kids yell as me and Daniel hold two kids on our shoulders, a very popular pool game, chicken. Troye on my shoulders and Connor on Daniel's, Connor finally pushes Troye off and we all laugh.

"Ok let's get out of the pool and I'll start cooking!" I say and we all rush out of the pool. "Nick, if y'all want you can go play some soccer." I say and give him a grin as he nods and walks off. I start putting the patties on the grill and a few veggie ones too. I finish all the burgers and we start eating. "After we're done we can watch movies!" I say and all the boys nod. This is finally my chance to cuddle with Joey!


I put a movie in and lay down on the couch next to Joey with all the kids in front of us on the floor. Finding Dory starts playing and everybody is hooked, even Joey. I place my hand over his shoulder and he jumps, but smiles once he sees it's just me. I give him a lingering kiss on the lips and smile ad he bites his lip.

Everybody soon fell asleep even Joey, but I just sat there and watched him sleep. I think I'm in love with Joseph Michael Graceffa.

Hey guys!! So that was a long chapter, 1544 words, to be exact!!! But yeah I like this chapter!! Make sure to comment and vote!! Bye lovelies! Be Smiley, Don't Be Gloomy!!😊💕 Oh yeah I wanna give a shout out to @janiel240 for being a bitch all the time and rushing me!!💕💕

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