Chapter 7

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Not edited due to a rush from janiel240 so enjoy!!

Daniel's POV:

Our lips locking as if our lives depended on it. My heart beating out of my chest, that all is until somebody pulls up. I pull away from Joey and he has worry written all over his face. "Who's that?" I ask looking towards a man stumbling out of a car towards the front porch.

"GET OUT OF HERE PRESTON!" Joey yells at the guy, which I found out is Preston. He keeps staggering towards us. "Who is he? Are you cheating on me?" The obviously drunk man asks. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WE BROKE UP FOREVER AGO!" Joey yells at him.

Max walks out the door rubbing his eyes. I look at Joey then back at Max. Joey nods and I take Max inside and upstairs to his room. "So how about we have a sleepover?" I ask him with a grin. I hear Joey and Preston yelling outside so I turn a movie on and hop into bed with Max. He cuddles into my side and falls asleep faster than I thought he would.

Yelling is still going on outside and I've had enough. I thought maybe they'd work it out and he'd leave, but I was wrong. Was Preston being honest? Is Joey really his boyfriend too?

I get out of bed making sure not to wake Max up, I cover him up and give him a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.

I walk outside and both Joey and Preston stop and look at me. "Ok I don't know who you are, but you need to leave. I don't care if you are his boyfriend or not, you are pissing him off! Now if you would kindly leave!" I say trying not to raise my voice. "I'm Joey's boyfriend you must be his side hoe or something! Isn't th-that right J-joey?" He asks stuttering with a smirk. "Last time I checked, Daniel was my boyfriend! We've been over for more than a year and you're the one who cheated on me. So if you could leave me, my boyfriend, and my family alone that would be great!" Joey says with all the confidence in the world.

Preston stumbles back and flips us off. "I HOPE YOU BOTH ROT IN HELL!" He hollers as he stumbles to the car, but right before he makes it to his door he faceplants into the asphalt. Me and Joey both start laughing. I grab his hand and walk inside.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that. He's stupid and we used to date and...." I cut him off with a kiss. "It's ok!" I say chuckling. " Max asleep and ok?" He asks. "Yep, I put him back to sleep, but he still has a movie going." I respond. He nods and runs his fingers through his hair stressing. I pull him into a hug and he wraps his hands around my neck tightly. "It's ok. If you need anything call me ok?" I say as I pull away from the hug giving him a sweet kiss. He nods and I walk out the door.

"Where the hell were you?" My friend Hope asks as I walk into the house. "Joey's ex came to his house and they were arguing and then Max woke up so I had to comfort him and then went and gave a piece of my mind to that jackass then left so.....yeah!" I say letting go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. She looks at me with boredom. "What?" I ask. She just shakes her head and giggles.

"So how was your date?" She asks as I sit down on the couch with her. "It was fun actually!" I say smiling. "Did y'all just make out the whole time?" She says puckering her lips and shrugging her shoulders. "......Not the whole time, Gosh!" I say with a blush.

"VROOOOOMMM!" I hear coming from my son's room. I look over at Hope as she looks away like nothing just happened. "Ugh....I told him to go to bed, but he couldn't sleep so I told him he could play with his toys if he was quiet and stayed in his room." She says with a guilty grin. "Hope, did you give him his medicine? You know the one to calm him down?" I say looking her straight in the eyes. "I think so....." she says.

I get up and walk towards Nick's room and see the boy jumping on his bed playing with little cars. "Look dad!" Nick yells and jumps off the bed while throwing his cars and making an explosion sound as his feet hit the ground. "Dad, I'm tired." He says right before dropping to the ground. Well that was fast. I walk over and pick him up then set him on the bed, covering him up and giving him kisses.

"Well I should get going I guess." Hope says as we walk downstairs. I nod and thank her for watching Nick. She walks out and I walk up to my bedroom. I'm so tired I don't even care about taking a shower right now. I strip my clothes and am left in my boxers. I lay down and send a text to Joey.

Daniel: I was wondering if you wanted to help at the cookout tomorrow?

Joey: Yeah sure! What do you want me to do?

Daniel: You can bring drinks if that's ok?

Joey: Of course. I'm about to fall asleep so Goodnight! 😙😙

Daniel: Goodnight Princess 😙👑

And with that I fall asleep. Goodness I can't wait til tomorrow!

Wassup bitchez!! So I updated and I like this chapter actually!! So I hope you enjoy!! Bye lovelies!! Be Smiley, Don't be Gloomy!!😊😊

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