Not an update.....

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Ok so I just wanted to tell y'all a little bit about myself.

I love writing and listening to music. They're the only thing that keeps me calm and it's always there for me and won't leave me. Recently I've been feeling depressed, but if I told my mom then she wouldn't understand and she would take it as a joke. Depression isn't a joke, I hate it, I hate my life. I hate that I have to hide the real me. I'm fat, and don't try telling me I'm not bc I know for sure I am. Me and my friends "joke" about it and stuff and I just play along, but tbh I am very very very self consious. I hate it. It just makes my life so much worse.

My home life, let's see. My parents are always fighting so that's why music has taken a big role in my life. My parents are always arguing about something, either it be about money, a dog, or even work. Whatever, nothing is going to change in that department.

I'm too scared to tell my parents about any of this stuff. I don't want to tell her I've been feeling depressed bc I swear she won't believe me. And sometimes when I don't update it could be bc I'm stressed out about everything or I just can't deal with my feelings. I just want to be who I am and not pretend anymore. So that was a rant ig you could call it, but sorry to waste your time. I felt like I needed to get that off of my chest.

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