Authors Note

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I'm going to start off with a huge apology. 

Killing her was something I battled in my writing from the moment I decided I wanted it to end that way. I really, really struggled with writing that not only because Ophelia has been my character for over two years now, but because the relationship I was able to capture with her and Bucky became my favourites of any story I've ever written. I hesitated when writing it, I stalled, I went and saw Civil War seven times to think of another way to finish this story. I almost threw up when I wrote it, and posting it today made me not only cry, but feel actually sick to my stomach. I questioned it up until the bitter end, but ultimately, I think it was the right choice. 

My reasoning is simple, I was slightly disappointed that no one died in the movie of Civil War. It is such a huge and important arc in the comics and there is a lot of death, I felt as though someone should have died (as much as that would have killed me). So here I am, at 7:20 AM drinking my coffee with shaking hands and tears in my eyes, ultimately hating myself.

Secondly, I want to thank everyone who has read, commented, voted, messaged, added this story to their reading list. I've put a lot of work into this story, I've lost a lot of sleep over this story. It's currently sitting at #693 on FanFiction, and I intend to go back and edit it in the near future (nothing major, just making it as flawless as I can).

Thirdly, because I love Ophelia so much, and Bucky, and you guys, I will probably be writing a spinoff book that will be based in the years between these books. It won't be like these two books, I sort of imagined it to be a scattered assortment of their life together in the two years they had. I'm thinking memories, journal entries, good times, bad times, but not exactly a coherent story. Please let me know your thoughts on that, I know a lot of you have asked for an in between story, and I would like to do it. 

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