ch.9 Words Can Never Describe (New Chapter :])

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Dear Diary

      I have no idea what to wear. I know why does it matter ? Well, today is the first day of the new me. I have to make a good impression on Andrew considering that I now have the boyfriend cover up. My parents were oh so pleased to hear last night that Samuel Aiden Peterson the Third and I had such a wonderful time. Im sure they're already thinking what a glorious couple we would make. Dreaming of what greatness would come if our families would co-mingle. I just found out from my dad that Sam's family is one of the wealthiest in our area. I remember looking at my dad with his chessy grin , I simply thought I dont care about his money.

Dear Diary, hmm

How can I fix this?

       I decided to wear a royal blue sweater that was long and stayed by my mid thigh with a black cami under it, some black leggings and knee high boots. I thought it was appropriate, so I walked down to the kitchen and found my mom and dad in there with Sam. I immediatley look at Sam wtih these crazy eyes. My father was relieved to see me and said, "Viola its about time you were keeping Samuel here waiting."

     " I didnt know he was waiting for me " I answered simply.

While my dad held a conversation with my mom, I mouthed toward Sam, "What the hell are you doing here?"

     Sam looked at me innoncently and smirked. I was in mid-roll of my eyes when my dad said, "well its time to go to school and Sam said he would be taking you. Its getting late too so you two better get a move on."

    Sam put his arm around me and guided me out of my house. When I looked up I saw a limo, and I looked straight at Sam he said, " I'll explain in a bit."  The driver steped out of the the limo and opended the door for me and Sam. Once I was inside I saw a man in a suit and Sam immediatley said once he sat next to me "hello father."

      I immediatley got tense and placed a nervous smile on my face. I never knew going through with this plan would actually require me to meet his parents.

"Father this Viola Renolds, Viola this is my father Samuel the Second."

      "Hello, Viola I see that my son is very taken with you. I myself needed to meet the enchantress of my son's heart" Sam the Second said with a very mischevous smile.  I immediatley thought what could have Sam the Third told his father to make him think that I was the "Enchantress of his Heart". I sat there puzzled while Sam's dad prodded me with questions the whole way to school. Thank God the ride wasn't that long.

      When we arrive I hear the  the first bell ring letting me know its time for class. I had so many questions for Sam, but I knew I couldnt stay long. Before I walked away from the limo  sam grabs me and places a kiss on my lips and brings me into a quick embrace and all the while slowly whispering in my ear, "I promise to explain everything later, and sorry for the kisses im just trying to look convincing."

He finished those last words with a smile on his face, and he drove away. I quickly remembered that I had to make it to class, but when I look up I see Andrew staring at me indisbelief he looked hurt and I hoped he didn't see that kiss it ment nothing. Andrew just walks away and I put my head down.... Really Diary can you say FML? And I ask again "how do I fix this?"

Words Can Never Describe (I've fallen in love and he's deaf)Where stories live. Discover now