Why is it that 99% of my day-to-day struggle is food related? I remember a little while back I was having an internal struggle because I found crackers in the cabinet and I couldn't find an expiration date. Now, it wouldn't have bothered me much if I knew it hadn't been too long since we bought them, but it seemed to me the box of crackers- which, by the way, hadn't even been opened yet- had been sitting in the cabinet for a good couple of months, hidden behind a clutter of other consumables.
At this particular moment in time, I was basically starving for some type of snack. You know how at random times you just get an intense craving for snack-y foods? Yeah, this was that moment. The problem with that was the fact that the world seemed to hate me that day. There was absolutely nothing to snack on anywhere in the house, and I didn't have money to walk up to the gas station for a small candy bar.
At any rate, I wound up opening the crackers and eating almost and entire pack while sitting on the floor of the kitchen.
I was reminded of the above incident when, 10 minutes ago, I was craving a drink- a drink that wasn't water. Don't get me wrong, I love water. I drink at least 3 bottles a day. However, sometimes I get a craving for something that isn't water. Again, the problem with this is that the world seems to hate me. There is never anything in this house when I crave it most.
Now, before I start, let me explain something to you; I may have a slight addiction. And when I say 'slight,' I really mean 'unhealthy.'
Hello. My name is Mia and I am addicted to juice.
Particularly juice that is either apple or orange in flavor.
When ever my family asks me if I want a drink from the store when they go shopping, it's almost guaranteed that my answer will be apple juice or orange juice.
So, during my search for a drink in this house that isn't water, I found two containers of juice tucked into the back of the fridge, both about a quarter full. The fact that they're even there baffles me. I never leave juice in this house for more then a couple of days.
Anyways, I take the orange juice and I check for the expiration date. Cue the sadness. The orange juice is 20 days past its 'best taste of used by' date. Well, as you can guess by the cracker incident, I'm not the type of person to live by guidlines.
When it comes to food, #yolo
(i physically cringed at that. Lets never speak of this again)
Anyways, it seems like a majority of my daily problems consist of consumables and whether or not I should eat/ drink it.
I don't know what this says about me, but I guess I could be having worse problems.