Chapter 7

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Chanel Rhodes|Nelle
It's now Saturday afternoon and Cookie and I are in the process of chilling til it's time to get ready for this party at Club Levels tonight, I heard it's supposed to be mad lit.

"Cookie Watchu wearing tonight?" I asked

" I don't even know I bought so many potential outfits today but I don't know which one I'm going to wear," she said while scrolling through her phone.

"Same to be honest. I might wear this bodysuit that King bought me though I don't know yet " I said while watching a few people's videos on snapchat. Just then King texted me

    //Text Convo \\
BestBoy😍😈: Wyd Short Stack
NellyBoo💅🏼😘: Nothing. Chillen with T, why wassup?
BestBoy😍😈: Could me and Ace come to your place and chill and get dressed for the party there?
NellyBoo💅🏼😘: Sure. Just knock when y'all get here Ma will answer the door.
BestBoy😍😈: Aight Ma see you in a few.
NellyBoo💅🏼😘: Ok cool drive safe.
                           // End Text Convo\\

"The boys are on their way over," I said to Cookie while scrolling through my feed on Twitter.

"Oh word? All of them or...?"

"Nah just Ace and King. They're gonna come and chill for a while and get dressed for the party here" I said

"Oh aight cool"

I thought for a lil bit. Then I got an idea.

"Wanna watch scary movies when they get here?" I asked

"Sure. We should get a bunch of snacks and stuff together too"

"Race you to the kitchen! Loser has to go skinny dipping" I said as I jumped off the bed and took off running to the kitchen. Not long after I heard her coming right behind me but it's too late I already got there before her.

"No fair you had a headstart," she said pouting with her arms folded across her chest

" Awe don't be such a sore loser, look at the bright side you have the opportunity to do it before the boys arrive"

As soon as I said that the doorbell rang and she groaned and started mumbling things along the line of I'm not going skinny dipping in front of those boys.

I giggled a little and made my way to go open the door but when I got there I saw that my mom has already let them in. As soon as Tyra seen my mom she started whining.

" Ma please tell Nelle that I cannot go skinny dipping while these boys are here," she said pouting

I giggled at her childishness.

"Ma she lost so she has to there's no saving her, " I said

At this point, King and Ace look mad confused yet amused at the same time.

"Aight fine let's make this quick," she says while rolling her eyes and walking towards the back door to get to the pool area

We followed her to the back and when we got there she hurriedly stripped out of her clothes and dived in. To be honest, I didn't think she'd actually do it, but then again this is my best friend we're talking about. Anything is possible with her.
I don't really know where I'm going with this story I'm kinda just winging it so if you guys enjoy let me know. Leave comments give me some type of feedback I'm open to constructive criticism but don't be rude. Also please vote it would be really appreciated.

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