Chapter 21

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                Tyree Jones|King

It's been three months now since the incident and I'm finally able to get out of wearing that stupid sling, I still have another 4 weeks with my cast though. Chanel's still holding onto her little attitude towards me and Tyra's still on her side. It's even gotten worst, ever since the day Bria came over Chanel hasn't even uttered 2 words to me.

Right now I'm in bed watching SpongeBob and eating a bowl of fruit loops. The best thing to do when you're high. I was real deal just chilling until somebody decided to knock on my door.


Tyra opens my door then began speaking.

"Family gathering at Pops house in an hour," she said then walked out closing the door behind her

I sighed then got up so I could take a shower and get dressed to go to my pops house. It took about 45 mins for me to shower and 10 to get dressed then I went to the living room to wait on Tyra and Chanel to get dressed.

When they were both dressed we headed out to my dad's house.

The ride there took about 45minutes with Tyra driving. I'm in the back while Nelle's upfront with her.

We pulled up to see that a few of the guys were already here. Cookie parked her car next to Dee's truck then we got out and went inside to join everyone else.

When we went inside I dapped up a few of my cousins and hugged my Nana then I went to go speak to my pops for a bit. A few minutes after the maid who works in my dad's house came and told us food's ready.

When we sat down to eat a lady that I didn't recognize took a seat next to my pops.

We were just eating in silence until my dad spoke up

"So I invited you guys over because I wanted to introduce you to Eva. My new girlfriend."

Everyone kinda sat quietly for a bit then I spoke up.

" You must truly be special if he's introducing you to us so welcome to the family, I'm his son, Tyree"

"It's nice to meet you, Tyree, you look so much like Kaine"

Next, it was Chanel who spoke up.

"Listen I don't know you so I'm not gonna judge you but don't try to play him or do anything stupid, " she said then took a sip of her drink.

Everyone else kinda just introduced themselves to her except for Cookie she just kinda sat quietly throughout the rest of dinner.

When the dinner was over we were all in my dad's living room just chilling and talking. Pops pulled me off to the side and we were having our own little conversation.

"Chanel still not speaking to you?"

"Nope. I wish she'd drop the attitude man it's been months" I said with a sigh

"You know Chanel's the only female you stress about, that should tell you something. She's not the average female so stop treating her like it"

I didn't get a chance to respond because Eva walked over

I went to go look for Cookie because I haven't seen her since the end of dinner. She wasn't downstairs so I went upstairs to see if she was there but I didn't find her. Instead, I found Chanel looking at the pictures on the wall in my old room.

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