Chapter 20

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Tyree Jones|King

It's been a whole week now since I was shot and Chanel and Tyra still don't speak to me unless they really need to, it's really starting to get irritating. It's Friday and the gang decided they'd come over to my house.

Chanel's cooking with Tyra's help, Jay and Taee are playing the game, Acee and Dee are smoking on the balcony and I'm laying on my bed thinking. I'm really ready to be healed so I can get up out this house.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even notice Chanel standing over me talking.

"Wait can you repeat what you just said?" I asked

She stopped talking then rolled her eyes and began to repeat herself.

"I said the food's ready are you eating in here or are you coming out there?" She asked

"Uhmn... I'll come out there"

She helped me to walk out to the dining room with my crutches. Then brought a plate and sat it in front of me then sat a cup of fruit punch next to it. She went and fixed herself a plate then took a seat in the chair beside me.

The whole gang was just chilling, eating and talking. Dee ole gay ass been making crippled jokes since we've been at the damn table.

"Cool it with the cripple jokes guys, I just can't stand em" his ole corny ass goes

"No really quit with the disabled jokes they're getting out of hand" Taee goes in reference to my sling

I swear I can't stand these clowns Bruh they always wanna talk shit.

When everybody was done eating we decided to watch a movie. Dee, Jay, and Taee had the girls they've been talking to come over.

Everyone was coupled up and Chanel and I were on the love seat, while Tyra and Ace laid on the other couch, Dee and Rae are together in a recliner, Taee, Lala, Jay, and Sia are all laid on the carpet.

We're watching the movie "The Exorcist". Chanel's sitting next to me with her leg crisscrossed. She'd jump every now and again at the movie.

I got a text from Bria so I started to respond.

                                 |Text Convo |
Bria😋💦: Hey, you just been ghost asf all week. King, I miss you😒.
King👑: I miss you too B and I know, nobody's seen me unless they came by my place.
Bria😋💦: Well can I come over?☹️ I'm bored with nothing to do.
King👑: Uh, right now's not a good time.
Bria😋💦: what your Bestfriend there or something? I'm not coming for her I'm coming for you.
King👑: Look B I wanna see you but just not tonight alright.
Bria 😋💦: Smh, Fine🤷🏽‍♀️✌🏽
                            |End Text Convo|

I didn't even bother to respond I just locked my phone and went back to watching the movie. After watching three movies in total the gang started to leave which leaves only Me, Chanel, Tyra and Ace.

I'm in my room, Chanel's in the guestroom and Tyra and Ace just left. It's now 10:30 and I'm bored out of my mind and there's absolutely nothing to do. I laid here for about an hour just thinking then I eventually fell asleep.

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