Chapter 7

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Recap-leaves the kitchen.
Persephone POV:
I awake from my nap feeling sore and tired. My back aches and I feel overwhelmed. Hades sat at the table with Zagreus, who was helping his father deal with godly problems.
" hello beautiful" says Hades.
" afternoon mother" says Zagreus
" hello" I say shyly " what are you up to?"
" Zagreus and I were just-" Hades starts but Zagreus cuts him off.
" father and I were doing godly work" Zagreus chirps achieving a doubtful scowl from Hades. That is what I love about Zagreus though. No matter what the situation he always has a smile on his face. And is a perfect mix of both Hades and I. My eyes, his hair.
" Great" I say. " Hades where is the bathroom?"
" silly mother you haven't forgotten where the toilet is haven't you?" Pipes Zagreus. He is only little he doesn't need to experience the trauma of memory loss. Come to think of it, why had I lost my memory?
" come on mother, shall I show you where the bathroom is?" Offers Zagreus.
" thank you Zagreus" I say.
I follow Zagreus to the bathroom. I stand in the doorway of a large bathroom. The shower is twice the size I am expecting, the toilet is a Crimson red that shimmered in the the morning sun while the basin was huge. It consists of two sinks and two cupboards underneath. Though the rest of the bathroom is red or white, this basin is a cream colour.

I watch as Zagreus leaves the bathroom leaving me alone. Not good trouble always finds me. I walk up to the mirror and gape at my appearance. My hair is mattered up on my head, my cheeks are flushed with colour but other then that I am nearly as pale as Soot.

Red spots dance at the edge of my vision and my head begins to feel heavy. I close my eyes to relieve the tension but once they are shuts can't find the strength within me to open them. My breathing becomes shallow and I scream in sheer terror.

My knee begin to buckle and everything feels so heavy. I try to lift my arms to block myself from falling but I am exhausted. My ears ring from the echoes from my screams. My knees give in and I collapse. Then before I know I black out.

This isn't like any normal black out though. I relive particular moments of my life which I don't know exisisted. Like when I was kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld against my will. Like my first glimpse at Macaria after she was born. And when I had my first fight with Hades, the insults the screaming and the tears. Don't forget the tears. But then at the end is something I don't recognise as a memory. It is like a warning. A dark shadowy figure who looks as though he is cloaked in black appears.
" Persephone" it says. " I am Chaos. You don't know me but I was the first thing on earth.i have watched it evolve. I have seen what you Olympians and mortals do to it. You have made it ugly. But don't worry because you are beautiful and I want you as my own."
Hello people. You haven't heard from me for a while. I need you to comment, I am running out of ideas which could result in me deleting the book. Bye!

P.S- who actually knows who Chaos is? If no one does I will change the character.

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