Chapter 1

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It simply could not be true! Those deep blue ocean eyes just could not be true. Its been so long that I can't bare to think that this is happening right now.

Blue jeans, red shirt. Brown hair and those puppy eyes making it always hard to resist. It was just him. It was all coming back to me. To those warm days that seemed to be long gone and lost in the past that has hunted my life and the life of others.

So many questions are popping up in my head as he just stood there. I too just kept standing there lifeless you would say. A statue we both remained for some time. Really I can't tell how long we were both just standing there, looking into each others eyes.

So much hurting I was able to see in his ocean eyes. They were not the same as I used to know them. They were so filled with sin and darkness. They were not the same happy eyes that I knew.

Then finally it was the warm smile that got to me, that made me realize that it was happening. That it is real. But how? I simply can't tell at this time that its so real. After all this time, to have the man I loved so dearly, is just standing there without saying a word. Nor I can't find the right words or what to say at this point.

"Carolyn, it's me Willy! Don't you remember me?"

I just lost my will to speak. It was just too much at one time. Too much to even get a word out. Silent I stood still, without a word or movement. Just standing there.

"I know that you're shocked, but please say something! Anything!"

Finally I was able to get a few words out.

"I am more than shocked. I can't see how you are even standing here at my door."

"I can explain everything. Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure. Come on in."

I'm not so sure if I did the right thing but I had no other choice. Really I need to know what's this all about.

He seemed not so comfortable in walking into the house. I was not so comfortable as well so I felt him. He also seemed to be nervous. I personally don't blame him. He's not seem me nor spoken to me in a very long time.

There was something indeed going on in his head. Something seemed to be playing in his mind over and over again. Making him, not be so ready. I myself am not ready to know where or what he's been in. I do wonder where he has been living or how the hell is he even alive when I saw him being placed six feet underground. How is this even so real?

"You can have a seat."

"This is a nice house you have."

"Thanks. David bought it."

"David? Is it the same David Baudelaire? I don't understand."

"So am I not understanding what you are doing here when you are supposing dead. And yes it is David Baudelaire!"

"What? Do you mind explaining?"

"How about you explain yourself. Cause I'm not the one who's come back from the dead as far as I know. And you don't have no right to question me about my life."

"Listen I know that you're upset but just listen to me. I don't understand how you're with David after all what he has done but I will talk."

"Oh I'm more than upset. And please do start talking cause I don't have all day to deal with zombies."

By his look I knew that he was hurt after I had made it clear that I don't want to waste time. I just don't get it how he's been able to do this to me. It just can't be real. He's dead.

"Carolyn I have been locked away from you by David. He is the one who has made it his duty to give me hell. He planned it all. He was the one who made it seem that I was dead and was out of the world for good. He locked me away in a warehouse not far from California. Its taken all that I have to make it here."

I can't even describe how the hell I'm feeling at this point. I don't even know who to believe. I would have expected Barbara to do this crap, but not David. After all that he has shown me, there is no way that what Willy is saying is true. There is so much doubt in me.

"Willy I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word that is coming out of you. I know David and there is no way that he has done this to you. I don't know why you are here or what your real intension is by saying all of this. I'm sorry but its just too much. And I don't understand it. Willy all this time you have been dead to me and your son and there is no way that everything is going to be okay."

"I understand that. Just tell me how is it that you are with David?"

"It was all a plan I did. Revenge I wanted for your death and I got caught up in my own game and fell in love with David. That's all I wish to say. Now I don't want you to take is personal but just leave."

Without any other word he was out.

Honestly, I don't get why he would say something like that. I know him and I'm sure he is not doing this in spitefulness, but I do love David. I'm loyal to him. With some much things that has happened, I don't keep who to even believe or trust. Trust Willy, the man who was dead and I knew, or David, the man who loves me unconditionally. I'm so confused. At this point I don't know who I love.

Willy only brought out feelings that I thought were long gone. Why does this have to happen when all was going good.

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