Chapter 13

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A tired David dragged his feet once more but this time they had some sort of satisfaction. At last my mother will understand that I am done with this family. And very soon I won't have to deal with anyone here. He sipped his glass of wine as he entered his bedroom.

*  *  *

I keeping thinking about how dreadful this news must be to the one and only Baudelaire. My son keeps mimicking their reactions which only brings joy and pleasure to my heart.

"Oh my gosh! David you must see this! Something has to be done at once! Oh no! This can't be happening to me, to my family!" Willy mimicked.

"She must be steaming hot at this time."

"Aye Willy, yes she is. Come here and give me a hug."

*  *  *

George paid his bill at the bar and headed back to the mansion. Up the hill his car went, turning left to park by the fountain which was bursting to the fullest water. He entered the mansion and it just seemed as if no know one was at home. Strange that no one has yelled at me as yet. He went up the stairs and into his room. There he found Barbara taking a glass of wine.

"About time you showed up. Now where's my daughter?"

"I don't know where she is. I just got here- don't you have any other thing to do but just waste time doing nothing?"

"You're useless! I seriously wonder why in the bloody hell I married you!" She harden her expression and took another sip of her wine.

"I don't have time to waste with your petty dramatic scenes."

"Oh really, well I guess that you don't want to know what mess we are involved in."

"You mean what you are involved in. You know what just sip your wine and leave me alone. I don't want to hear anything of what you have to say."

At this, Barbara's expression hardened even more. George turned around and walked out of the room leaving Barbara on her own. Barbara enraged and threw the glass of wine at George as he walked out. Bang! The crystals of broken glass spattered around the room. Wine flowed all over the back of George's head.

"What the fucking hell is wrong with you?" He protested.

A death stare was all he got. Eyes filled with bitter hatred and anger. No question. No doubt. No nothing. Everything was clear. Barbara was out of her mind. Nothing new about that.

"What's the point of staying married when all we do is fight? Am seriously over this Barbara. I don't know about you but am just over with this bullshit."

She edged over to him. "Am over it too but am not gonna let you go so easily." She smirked.

George walked out of the room clenching the back of his head which was still flowing with blood.

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