Chapter 12: Dancing Among the Stars

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(Sorry this took so long guys, I had wrote it but then it didn't save and I need motivation to try and rewrite to where I was happy with it. I felt better about the first one I had did, but can't get it back. I hope this is just as good. The song late in the chapter is called Never Stop by Safety Suit...tell me what you guys think :)

Amy's pov:
             After I took Karma her donuts this morning I had to head off to work, I hated leaving her. Tonight is date night and it's my turn to decide what we're doing. I have this whole thing planned out, it's going to be amazing. We've been together for over a year now and we've know each other for what seems like forever. And I want to make a commitment to Karma before we head off to school. Yes, I know we are young. I may not know anything else in this world but I know one thing and that is I love Karma. I've had this ring for months now just haven't found the right time, but summer is slowly coming to an end and we leave for clement before we know it, so it's now or never. I planned this amazing night at a cabin in the woods, we're gonna roast marshmallows, I've even spent a bunch of free time learning to play guitar so I can play for Karma. Tonight would be amazing.

Karmas pov:
After Amy left this morning I didn't really have anything planned till our date tonight. It's Amy's turn to pick and I have no clue what she has planned, she always been the one making crazy surprises. I've been trying to write new songs for months and I just can't come up with anything, major writers block sucks. Maybe our date tonight will help, assuming I write everything about that amazing blonde. It was 5 o clock right now, Amy gets off at 6 and said she'd be here at 6:30. I better get ready, Amy told me I needed to wear something comfy so I'll have to see what I have. I rustled through my closet for a good 30 min before I finally found something. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, a red sweater, and my black uggs. I threw it all on running for the bathroom to fix this messy face of my, just as I walk into the bathroom my phone buzzes.
Babe: Hi my love I hope your ready for an amazing night, I'll see you in 30 min XOXO
Me: I'm always ready for time with you see you soon XOXO
I set my phone, going back to putting on my makeup. I didn't want to overdue it since Amy said comfy so I went with simple shades of pink. I plugged in the curling iron and threw my hair half up, curling the bottom layer, just before pulling out my hair tie to finish the rest.
"Knock, knock." I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend. She was dressed in a red plaid shirt, skinny jeans, and her black combat boots.
"Hey babe, how was work?" I asked placing a kiss upon her cheeks.
"Not as good as our date will be." The smile grew on her face as the sentence slipped from her lips. Tonight would be amazing.

Amy's pov:
The small brown box weighed heavy in my pocket, hidden from sight. I could only hope she'd say yes.
"Are you ready for our date?" I shyly smiled.
"Of course I'm ready, I get to be with you." She pulled me in grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I kissed her back slowly pulling away as I intertwined our fingering and headed out the door. I opened the car door just as she slide inside.
"This is for you," I said winking as I handed her the blindfold.
"Oh boy, a secret?." She said shyly, she hated losing one of her senses but I believe she will love this surprise.
"Just for me? Please? You'll be safe with me I promise." I said smiling as a bend down and kissed her cheek.
"Ok, only for you because I trust you and very much love you." She said sliding the blindfold on. I closed her door making my way to my side and into my seat.
"Are you ready Karm?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," she said squeezing my hand. Off we went the car pointed straight for the cabin and into one of the biggest step in our life.
About and hour later we pulled into the drive of the cabin. The cabin was strung with lights and the lake glistened behind it. Nothing could be more beautiful, well besides the girl next to me of course. I took out my phone and snapped a photo of my blindfolded beauty, I wanted to capture every moment of this night. This night would change us forever.

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